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玛格丽特·德拉布尔从事创作已逾四十载。1939年她生于英国约克郡的谢菲尔德,毕业于剑桥大学英文系,后与一位受雇于皇家莎士比亚公司的演员结婚。1963年,她出版了17部小说中的第一部——《夏日鸟笼》(A Summer Birdcage)。在小说中,德拉布尔探索了女性及女性生活的主题。这在当时很少被关注,但她一直热衷这一主题并创作出这部跨文化小说,作品关注韩国和英国女性。2000年,德拉布尔应邀出席在首尔举行的图书馆会议。在筹备会议时,她听人说起献敬王后洪玉英(Hyegyong Hong)的回忆录(《闲中录》)。洪氏是18世纪的朝鲜王妃,她于1795至1805年著有四卷本回忆录,描述了人生的重大事件。德拉布尔阅读的版本是《玉英王妃回忆录:一位18世纪朝鲜王妃的自传》,该书由贾云·金·哈鲍什(JaHyun Kim Haboush)教授翻译,并加入译介和注解,由加利福尼亚大学出版社于1996年出版。德拉布尔一生都在关注女性问题,她深深地被洪王妃极富传奇色彩的故事吸引。洪王妃记述了她曾目睹的一件事:年青的丈夫被其亲生父亲即国王残忍地处死。在这个故事的启发下,德拉布尔于2004年创作了这部有关朝鲜历史的小说《红王妃——一部跨文化的悲喜剧》(The Red Queen:A Transcultural Tragicomedy)。小说围绕两位女性展开,一位是朝鲜王妃,另一位是当代英国女作家。作品的前半部分由王妃的鬼魂进行叙述,接着则围绕芭布斯展开。身在韩国,芭布斯越来越感觉到与王妃的相似处:芭布斯的丈夫疯了,起因很可能是他与父亲之间僵化的父子关系;两位女性都经历了丧夫之痛。在两个生命的对比并置中,两百年前朝鲜王妃的故事凸显出这位当代英国女性的生活经历。韩国教授李良玉(Young-Oak Lee)先生对德拉布尔的跨国书写赞叹不已。为此,他于2006年8月10日在伦敦帕丁顿希尔顿大酒店对她进行专访。现将其发表在《当代文学》(Contemporary Literature)2007年第4期上的这篇访谈录译出,以飨读者。 Margaret Drabble has been writing for more than 40 years. Born in 1939 in Sheffield, Yorkshire, England, she graduated from the English Department at Cambridge University and later married an actor employed by Royal Shakespeare Company. In 1963, she published the first of 17 novels - A Summer Birdcage. In the novel, Drabble explores the theme of women’s and women’s lives. It was seldom watched at the time, but she had been passionate about the subject and created this cross-cultural novel focusing on South Korean and British women. In 2000, Drabble was invited to attend a library conference in Seoul. In preparation for the meeting, she heard about the memoir of Hyegyong Hong, who dedicated the queen. Hong was an 18th-century North Korean princess who wrote four volumes of this memoir from 1795 to 1805 and described major events in her life. Drabble’s version is a memoir of Princess Jade: a biography of an 18th-century North Korean princess, translated by Professor Ja Hyun Kim Haboush and joined in translation and annotation by California University Press published in 1996. Drabble has always been concerned about women’s issues, she was deeply attracted by the legendary story of Princess Hung. One of the things she had witnessed was described by Princess Hung: the young husband was executed cruelly by his biological father, the king. Inspired by this story, Drabble created this 2004 novel “The Red Queen: A Transcultural Tragicomedy” about Korean history. The novel focuses on two women, one is the North Korean Princess, the other is a contemporary British woman writer. The first half of the work is narrated by the ghost of the princess, followed by Babes. In South Korea, Babes more and more feel the similarities with the princess: Babush’s husband crazy, the cause is likely to be his rigid father and son and his father’s relationship; both women have experienced the pain of bereavement . In the contrast of two lives, the story of the North Korean Princess two hundred years ago highlights the life experience of this contemporary British woman. Young-Oak Lee, a professor in South Korea, praised Drabble’s transnational writing. To this end, he interviewed her at the Hilton London Paddington on August 10, 2006. This interview, now published in the fourth issue of Contemporary Literature 2007, is now translated to readers.
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莫诺湖(Mono Lake)位于美国加利福尼亚州东部。是加利福尼亚州第二大湖,也是北美最古老的湖泊之一。莫诺湖直径约7.5公里,湖水湛蓝,周围却一片荒芜。在湖的南岸,有许多奇形怪状的石
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