【摘 要】
邓小平同志南巡重要谈话后,一个新的改革开放高潮正在全国蓬勃兴起,这必将对我们天津卷烟销售工作产生重大影响。这既为我们提供了机遇,又是对我们的严峻挑战。那么,在新的形势下如何使我市卷烟销售工作跨上新台阶做出新贡献呢?我认为应重点做好以下工作: 一、增强改革观念,加快流通领域的改革步伐。加大改革力度,不断深化改革,是烟草行业搞好经营机制转换,开拓前进的根本出路。
After Deng Xiaoping’s important talks on the southern tour, a new upsurge of reform and opening up is booming across the country, and this will surely have a major impact on our sales of cigarettes in Tianjin. This has provided us with opportunities as well as severe challenges for us. Then, in the new situation, how can we make new contribution to the city’s cigarette sales work to a new level? I think we should focus on the following tasks: 1. Strengthen the concept of reform and accelerate the pace of reform in circulation. To intensify reforms and continuously deepen reforms is the fundamental way out for the tobacco industry to do a good job in converting operational mechanisms and opening up.
名称国家(地区)l单位 尼泊尔沙特阿拉伯 科威特阿拉伯酋长国俄罗斯联邦 总计 香港 澳门一 日本一 巴西一 美国} ,总讨·{ 日本{一一—一一} 马来西亚一喃而矿叫习 数量460,83
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