【摘 要】
Direct injection of DNA into animals is a new way to inoculate specific antigens and induce immune responses. Application of this technique has been successful in mice, chickens and domestic animals were induced anti-influenza virus, bovine herpes virus type 1 and rabies virus protective immune response. However, it is unknown so far whether this new technology can withstand the persistent virus infection. To this end, the author of the lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCMV) nuclear protein (NP) gene sequence was cloned in pRCCMV plasmid structure
目的:在肝脏L-02 SIRT6-KO细胞系中,观察SIRT6在肝脏脂滴形成中的作用,初步研究在肝脏脂质代谢中SIRT6相关的转录差异基因发挥作用的分子机制。方法:利用基因敲除技术TALEN技
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In order to study the physiological or pathophysiological responsiveness, airway smooth muscle cells were isolated from the rat trachea and cultured. The trach