
来源 :工程建设标准化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hbl20062
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近年来,党中央、国务院对标准化工作高度重视。2015年国务院印发《深化标准化工作改革方案》,开启了标准化改革的大幕。之后又密集出台了一系列改革措施,标准化改革的力度前所未有。2016年8月和11月,住房城乡建设部先后出台了《关于深化工程建设标准化工作改革的意见》和《关于培育和发展工程建设团体标准的意见》,明确了工程建设标准化工作的改革方向。2016年12月底召开的全国住房城乡建设工作会议,将“加快工程建设标准改革步伐,切实树立标准权威”作为2017年全国住房城乡建设工作的九大任务之一,这对全国工程建设标准化工作者来说倍感振奋、倍受鼓励,该是把握时机、脚踏实地、撸起袖子加油干的时候了! In recent years, the Central Party Committee and the State Council have attached great importance to standardization work. In 2015, the State Council issued the “Plan for Deepening the Standardization Reform”, opening the curtain of standardization reform. After that, a series of reform measures were intensively introduced, and the intensity of standardization reform was unprecedented. In August and November 2016, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development successively promulgated the Opinions on Deepening the Standardization Work Reform for Construction Projects and the Opinions on Nurturing and Developing the Standards for Construction Engineering Corporations, and clarified the direction of reform in standardization of engineering construction. The National Conference on Housing and Urban-Rural Development held in late December 2016 will “speed up the pace of engineering construction standards reform and effectively establish standard authority” as one of the nine major tasks of building a nationwide urban and rural housing project in 2017. This standardization of national construction Workers feel more excited, much encouraged, it is to seize the opportunity to down-to-earth, refueling sleeve up his sleeve!
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通过对银根—额济纳旗盆地石炭—二叠系烃源岩基础地球化学特征和分子标记化合物的研究,主要取得以下几点认识:   1、常规烃源岩地球化学评价指标体系不适合研究区烃源岩
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