
来源 :北京大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sleon001
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传统的时钟树布线算法可以扩展应用于门控时钟,例如在自底向上的合并过程中采用最小化合并电容方式。然而,当前点的合并,会影响到上层点的门控情况变化,虽然在局部合并时是最优的,却可能恶化时钟树整体功耗。针对该问题,提出了一种零时钟扭斜门控时钟布线算法,使用上一轮时钟树的布线结果估算上述影响所造成的合并代价变化。由于算法需要多轮反复计算,因此使用模拟退火方法,在每一次循环时重建时钟树结构,通过上一轮反标的合并代价信息进行优化,评估每一轮的结果,并生成新的约束供下一轮使用。实验结果表明,与传统的Greedy-DME算法相比,该算法可以获得至多23%的功耗优化。 Traditional clock tree routing algorithms can be extended for gated clocks, such as the minimization of merged capacitors in a bottom-up merge. However, the merging of the current points will affect the gating situation changes at the upper level, which is optimal in the case of local merging but may deteriorate the overall power consumption of the clock tree. Aiming at this problem, a zero-clock skew-gated clock routing algorithm is proposed to estimate the change of the merge cost caused by the above-mentioned impact by using the routing results of the previous clock tree. Because the algorithm requires multiple rounds of iterative calculations, the simulated annealing method is used to reconstruct the clock tree structure at each iteration, optimize with the merged cost information of the previous round of anti-signs, evaluate the results of each round, and generate new constraints for A round of use. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can achieve up to 23% power consumption optimization compared with the traditional Greedy-DME algorithm.
没想到,婚后洗碗竟成了一大难题。 凭良心说,先生并不懒,只是不爱洗碗,他认为洗碗是最缺乏创造性的劳动。而我呢,所有的家务活中最怕的就是洗碗。 结婚了,有了自己的小家庭,
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鲁迪·费尔南德斯Rudy Fernández身高:1.96米体重:83.9公斤位置:控球后卫/得分后卫球队:波特兰开拓者太阳队从来没有想到,当年自己送走的这个西班牙人会让自己这么难堪。在
明星赛前,小奥尼尔(Jermaine O’Neal)从猛龙队换到了热队,由于这笔交易事前就已经洽谈许久,所以小奥尼尔老早就有加入热队的准备,只不过进入球队报到之后,他还是碰到一个问