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一颗璀璨的明珠一块碧绿的翡翠在天山脚下闪光在准噶尔盆地生辉——摘自《戈壁明珠》主题歌如果说,军垦新城石河子是戈壁绿洲的一颗明珠,那么,石河子宾馆便是明珠折射出的一束夺目光彩,它用热情、美丽、温馨、幽雅、舒适、文明……向世人亮开了展示石河子军垦风采的窗口。走近被浓浓绿色所包围的石河子宾馆,不远处,江泽民总书记题写馆名的碑石,在阳光下熠熠生辉;大门口,四块金灿灿的铜牌格外引人注目:诚信单位、社会治安综合治理先进单位、自治区级文明单位、自治区文明服务示范窗口;散置于各厅堂的其他牌匾比比皆是:全国百家优秀星级饭店、全国青年文明号、全国部门造林绿化400佳单位、全区职业道德十佳企业、全疆最佳卫生宾馆等等。这一项高于一项的荣誉,在宾馆有的默默存在了数十年,有的不久前才悄然而至,它表明了这样一个事实:巨大的荣誉,给两百余名员工带来的压力和动力,远远多于鲜花和掌声。在市场经济和西部开发的大潮中,他们惟有继续前行,方能在垦区保持和巩固旅游服务业的主导和领先地位。 A bright pearl piece of green emerald flash at the foot of the Tianshan mountain shine in the Junggar Basin - Excerpt from “Gobi Pearl” theme song If you say that the new town of Shihjian Nirvana is a Pearl of the Gobi oasis, then the Shihezi Hotel is a pearl reflects A bunch of eye-catching luster, it is warm, beautiful, warm, elegant, comfortable, civilized ... ... to open the world to showcase the Shihezi Ken harvest style window. Approached by the thick green surrounded by Shihezi Hotel, not far away, General Secretary Jiang Zemin inscribed museum name of the monument, shine in the sun; the gate, the four golden bronze especially notable: integrity unit, social order Comprehensive management of advanced units, autonomous regions and civilized units, autonomous regions and civilized service demonstration window; scattered in the hall of the other plaque abound: the national hundred outstanding star hotel, the national youth civilization, the national department afforestation 400 best units, all District top ten professional ethics companies, Xinjiang’s best health hotels and so on. The honor of more than one, which has existed silently for decades in hotels and some not long ago, shows the fact that a great honor has brought to more than 200 employees Pressure and motivation, far more than flowers and applause. In the tide of market economy and western development, they will only continue to move forward in order to maintain and consolidate the leading and leading position of the tourism service industry in the reclamation areas.
1 临床资料1.1 一般资料 女18例,男26例,年龄6~14岁。轻度中毒20例,中度中毒12例。重度中毒12例。中毒途径为消化道吸收。43例经抢救痊愈。1.2 治疗 首先去除毒物。(1)催吐:
Objective: To assess the efficacy of scalp acupuncture therapy for autism of children.Methods: We selected 70 cases of autism children followed the random number method to divide the cases into scalp
糖尿病常伴神经系统并发症 ,以脑血管病变为主。近年来对其周围神经系统功能障碍的早期诊断进展较快 ,但对中枢神经系统功能测定报道甚少。本文旨在通过对糖尿病患者EEG观察
患者男 ,56岁 ,患肝硬化 1年余 ,腹胀、肝区疼痛、乏力加重 2天而到我院治疗。因病人及家属要求在门诊输液观察 ,随即按医嘱首先给予低分子右旋糖酐注射液 50 0ml静脉点滴 ,当
支气管哮喘是呼吸道的常见疾病,但首发症状是咳嗽者较少见,极易误诊漏诊。现将我院1992~1996年收治的9例报告如下。1 临床资料  本组9例,男6例,女3例。年龄18~51岁,平均345