The “Enterprise Accounting System” was first implemented in a joint stock limited company on January 1, 2001 and it has been more than a year since. Compared with the former industrial accounting system and the original “limited liability company accounting system”, an important feature of the new accounting system is that enterprises should be required to measure the assets at the end of the period according to the principle of prudence, and to reasonably expect that Assets impairment loss may be accrued for any possible loss of assets according to the difference between the net realizable value of the assets or the recoverable amount less than the historical cost of the book. Impairment allowances that may be accrued include: provision for impairment of short-term investments, provision for impairment of entrusted loans, provision for bad debts, provision for diminution in value of inventories, provision for impairment of long-term investments, provision for impairment of fixed assets, provision for impairment of intangible assets and impairment of construction in progress Preparation of 8 items.