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1 前言 钢筋混凝土结构物由于施工、设计、温度变化以及混凝土养护等方面的原因会各种不同形式的裂缝。因为产生裂缝的原因较多,限制混凝土裂缝的出现较难实现。所以除了有特殊要求的结构物,对混凝土结构构件一般不要求限制裂缝的出现。但是当裂缝宽度较大时(≥0.2mm)将会导致钢筋锈蚀、损害结构外观。从耐久性及建筑观瞻方面考虑,需对宽较大的裂缝进行处理。根据裂缝宽度大小,可采取不同的处理方法:宽度d<0.2mm时,一般采取表面处理法;0.2mm≤d≤1.5mm时采用化学灌浆法修补;当d≤1.5mm时可采用充填法配合机械加固法处理,对于d>3mm的裂缝往往伴随构造上的缺陷,一般需并用构造上的补强措施。宽度在0.2mm≤d≤1.5mm的裂缝最为常见,所以上述方法中又以化学灌浆法最为常用。混凝土结构如果设计正确,施工控制严格,是不会出现大面积裂缝的。由于裂缝数量不多,房屋使用者或建设者往往希望裂缝的处理快速有效,加上施工场地方面的因素,要求用化学灌浆法处理裂缝时,灌浆机具轻便易携,操作方法简单,施工迅速。 1 Foreword Reinforced concrete structures can have various types of cracks due to construction, design, temperature changes, and concrete curing. Because there are many causes of cracks, it is more difficult to limit the occurrence of concrete cracks. Therefore, in addition to the special requirements of the structure, the concrete structure members generally do not require restrictions on the appearance of cracks. However, when the crack width is large (≥0.2mm), it will cause corrosion of the steel bar and damage the appearance of the structure. Considering the durability and architectural perspective, large cracks need to be treated. According to the size of crack width, different treatment methods can be adopted: When the width d<0.2mm, the surface treatment method is generally adopted; when 0.2mm≤d≤1.5mm, the chemical grouting method is used to repair; when d≤1.5mm, the filling method can be used to match Mechanical reinforcement treatment, for d> 3mm cracks often accompanied by structural defects, the general need to use structural reinforcement measures. Cracks with a width of 0.2 mm ≤ d ≤ 1.5 mm are the most common, so chemical grouting is the most commonly used method. If the concrete structure is properly designed and construction is controlled strictly, there will be no large area cracks. Due to the small number of cracks, housing users or builders often hope that the treatment of cracks is fast and effective, plus the construction site factors, requiring the chemical grouting method to deal with cracks, the grouting equipment is light and easy to carry, the operation method is simple, and the construction is rapid.
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