Descendants of a Long Line of Peking Opera Masters

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TRADITIONALLY, Peking Opera performance techniques are passed on through succeeding generations of the families of its master exponents, ensuring that excellent performance techniques carry on. It was in the 1790s that this quintessence of Chinese culture emerged in Beijing to be enjoyed on all social levels, from the imperial courtiers to rickshaw drivers, to farmers. Several hundred troupes and countless theaters were established throughout the country, and at its peak, Peking Opera comprised 15 major schools named after its most famous exponents. They included the Tan (Tan Fuying), Mei (Mei Lanfang), Ma (Ma Lianliang), Xun (Xun Huisheng), and Qiu (Qiu Shengrong) schools. TRADITIONALLY, Peking Opera performance techniques are passed on succeeding generations of the families of its master exponents, ensuring that excellent performance techniques carry on. It was in the 1790s that this quintessence of Chinese culture emerged in Beijing to be enjoyed on all social levels, from the imperial courtiers to rickshaw drivers, to farmers. Several hundred troupes and countless theaters were established throughout the country, and at its peak, Peking Opera 15 after major names exponents. They included the Tan (Tan Fuying), Mei (Mei Lanfang), Ma (Ma Lianliang), Xun (Xun Huisheng), and Qiu (Qiu Shengrong) schools.
一等奖剧 目报送单位作 者花香时节陕西省剧协党小黄穿越丛林空政话剧团谭 涛潇洒走一回陕西省剧协野 柳酒后吐真言天津市剧协杨志刚 刘梓钰“名记”深圳市罗湖区文化局
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