
来源 :江西画报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhongminghe
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初识朱浔,是在90年代末江西省摄影家协会“摄影艺术画廊”为其举办的《朱浔摄影作品展》上,其鲜活的艺术语言,独特的表现手法,给专家和观众留下了深刻印象。朱浔公务繁忙,闲暇之余,仍不忘“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”的文人情结和禅悟之趣,衷情于祖国大好河山,心绘方寸间。他深入社会,了解人生百态,游历名胜, The first acquaintance of Zhu Rong was a vivid artistic language and unique expression of skill in the “Zhu Zhi Photography Exhibition” organized by the Association of Photographers in Jiangxi Province at the “Photographic Art Gallery” in the late 1990s. The audience left a deep impression. Zhu 浔 public service busy, spare time, still do not forget “Picking Ju under the East, leisurely see the Nanshan ” scholar complex and Zen entertaining, sincere feelings in the motherland good rivers and mountains, the heart of the heart. He in-depth social, understanding of life, travel attractions,
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