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  21、At this time in North China, you will seeleaves_______.
  A.to fall B.falling
  C.fallen D.fell
  22、Mr. Alexander is the professor______Ihave the greatest respect.
  A.who B.that
  C.to whom D.for whom
  23.Mr. White______the heavy burden oftaking care of his wife and two children.
  A. faced with B. faced
  C. was laced with D. was faced to
  24、We've missed the last bus. I'm afraid wehave no______but to take a taxi.
  A. way B. choice
  C. possibility D. selection
  25、—Oh, this pair of shoes are too small.—You'd better change it______a biggersize.
  A. into B. to C. for D. with
  26.You______find the manager is stillthere, if you go to the office now.
  A. should B. could
  C. may D. ought to
  27、It was a matter of_____would take theposition.
  A. who B. whoever
  C. whom D. whomever
  28、We used to have a very______friendshipbut now we nearly have no connections.
  A. deep B. great
  C. heavy D. close
  29、I need______workers to help me. butthere is______here.
  A. both;none B. some;nobody
  C. some;none D. all;no one
  30、He said he_____in Shanghai during thelast six months.
  A. was living B. lived
  C. has lived D. would live
  31、_______saying "Thanks." is polite whensomeone has done you a favour, saying ittoo often is quite another thing.
  A. However B. As though
  C. Yet D. Even though
  32、Land in Tokyo is so expensive, as______British newspaper reported, in 1987 itcost more to buy Tokyo's city area thanto buy all______land in tbe United States.
  A.a;a B.the;a
  C. a;the D. 不填;the
  33、He onc______a period of a very hardtime ten years ago.
  A. passed over B. passed through
  C. passed by D. passed away
  34、The Chinese government has_____lotsof medical teams to the third world in thelast 50 years.
  A. sent B. brought
  C. taken D. carried
  35. —A: Are you ready to order?—-B:_______—A: Yes, we have baked fish with rice.
  A. Are you making anything special today?
  B. Have you specialized today?
  C. Do you have any specials today?
  D. Are you doing anything special today?
  Everyone wants to be beautifuh.______(36)if beauty only_____(37)a skinny body, it cango too far and damage your______(38).
  This is the______(39)the Italian govern-ment has decided to_____(40)skinny modelsfrom fashion show catwalks(T台).
  The move came after the_____(41)of a21-year-old Brazilian model last month. AnaCarolina Reston, who modelled in Cbina,Mexico and Japan, died November 14 in SaoPaolo.
  Her death was the______(42)of anorexia(厌食症), a mental condition that makes peoplestop eating. The 1.73 metre model weighed43 40kg.
  Reston was not the first model to diefrom being too______(44). Luisel Ramos, a mod- el from Uruguay, died of heart failure in Au-gust. Their deaths have been a wake-up callfor the 45 industry.
  The changes have just been introducedto_____(46)models. The Italian government isseeking to present a healthier irnage(形象) of_____(47)to young women and girls.
  Doctors have said that______(48)sometimesset a bad example for young girls. It girls tryto______(49)skinny models, their health can bedamaged.
  Italy has_____(50)to promote a "healthy,sunny Mediterranean (地中海的) model ofbeauty". Models with a Body Mass lodex(体重指数)of_____(51)18 (a 1.83m personweighing 61kg) will b______(52)Italian fashiorshows.
  "There's a_____(53)between a thin girand a_____(54)one that is often crossed," saidItalian Sports Minister Giovanni Melandri. "Italy is______(55)not to cross that line."
  36、A. But B. Or C. And D. So
  37、A. means B. makes
  C. produces D. creates
  38、A. family B. health
  C. fame D. future
  39、A. fact B. reason
  C. thing D. explanation
  40、A. punish B. remove
  C. forbid D. hire
  41、A. appearance B. disappearance
  C. arrival D. death
  42、A. reason B. cause
  C. result D. effect
  43、A. ever B. already
  C. even D. only
  44、A. weak B. fat C. skinny D. ill
  45、A. film B. sports C. TV D. fashion
  46、A. frighten B. protect
  C. control D. limit
  47. A. action B. performance
  C. beauty D. life
  48、A. models B. actors
  C. singers D. hosts
  49、A. copy B. praise
  C. support D. influence
  50、A. promised B. agreed
  C. failed D. chosen
  51、A. less than B. more than
  C. no more than D. not less than
  52、A. driven out of B. kept out of
  C. let out of D. kicked out of
  53. A. step B. line C. block D. board
  54、A. fat B. weak
  C. sick D. beautiful
  55、A. determined B. ordered
  C. prepared D. suggested
  China's central bank has threatened tostep into a debate on a "virtual currency" is-sued by an Internet finn and bring it undergovernment control.
  The currency is the Q-coin issued byTencent, a leading Internet connnunity opera-tor, for the users of QQ, an on-line chat room.It can be purchased with bank cards, tale-phone cards or QQ cards at an official priceof one yuan (12.5 U.S. cents) and was origi-nally intended to be used in buying on-lineservices provided by Tencent, including elec-tronic greeting cards, cartoon portraits, chipsin on-line QQ games and anti-virus software.
  But many people have begun paying Q-coins when trading among themselves and inbuying products and services provided byother websites. The operators of some Internetforums reportedly receive Q-coins as theirwages.
  The People's Bank of China said itwuuld closely monitor the "virtual money", forit may impact China's currency if it was leftuncontrolled.
  However, Yu Guofu, a counselor with thelnternet Society of China, dismissed the fears, saying the Q-coin was only a commodity, nota real currency that can be changed into theyuan. It was worthless for people who werenot QQ users, Yu argued.
  Li Chong, a professor of finance with theBeijing Normal University, even denied theQ-coin is "virtual money" because it is "nei-ther a medium of exchange nor a store of val-lie".
  However, legal expert Zhao Fujun arguedthat speculators who bought large amounts ofQ-coins at a low price and resold at a profithad made the "virtual money" circulate like ahard currency.
  Yang Tao, a legal scholar, warned, "ex-change between the Q-coin and the yuan, ifunchecked, would lead to terrible economicconsequences. Virtual money could disorderChina' s financial markets ".
  However, anaiysts believe the Q-coin isunlikely to enter into circulation because onceit is made exchangeable with the yuan, Ten-cent would be exposed to great risks. Nocompany would run the risk just to become a"virtual central bank".
  The sales volume of "virtual money" areestimated at billions of yuan every year inChina and growing at an annual average rateof 15 to 20 percent.
  56、Which is not the original function ofQ-coins?
  A. Purchasing cartoon portraits.
  B. Purchasing electronic greeting cards.
  C. Purchasing chips in on-line QQ games.
  D. Purchasing services provided by other websites
  57、Which of the following is not true?
  A. Q-coins can be used as salaries to the operators.
  B. Anti-virus software can be purchased with Q-coins.
  C. Virtual money has become more andmore popular in reality.
  D. Virtual money has caused a negativeeffect on China's currency.
  58、What does "dismiss" mean in thepassage?
  A. emphasize B. accept
  C. dispel D. delete
  59、Who shares similar attitude to Q-coinswith Yu Guofu?
  A. Li Chong
  B. Zhao Fujun
  C. Yang Tao
  D. The People's Bank of China
  Computers, like any other piece of elec-tronic equipment, need special care and atten-tion in order to perform properly and safely.There are several specialized tasks such asdefragmenting, scanning and reformatting thatcomputer experts can do to keep the internalsystem of a computer working well. However,we'll leave these tasks to the experts for now andconceutrate on some daily do's and don'ts thatany computer user should know.
  Computers require special cleaning evenon the outside. Keeping your system free ofdust, dirt and liquids is the first step to com-puter care. Your system's user guide is thebest place to find information on how to cleanyour outer components; but here are somegeneral tips that you should always remember:
  Never spray your monitor screen(or anyother computer component) with glass cleaner.Instead, spray a lint-free cloth lightly withglass cleaner, then clean the screen. Be sureto hold the cloth away from the computerwhen spraying.
  Computer components should be kept asdust-free as possible.   Canned air or small computer-specificvacuum cleaners are an excellent way to cleankeyboards, computer case vents, or arounddisk drive openings.
  The rubber ball inside the bottom of amouse may need occasional cleaning. If themouse does not perform correctly, cbeck youruser gnide for cleaning directions.
  Never try to remove the cover on yourcomputer to clean inside. Instead, take it toan authorized service technician for cleaning.
  Keep all liquids and food items awayfrmn your computer. Liquids and food crumbscan damage delicate electronic circuits. Also,mixing liquids and electronic components cancause serious electrical shock!
  Wash your hands before using the com-puter to avoid "sticky keys."
  When in doubt about how to clean yourcmnputer system, consult your user manual ortechnical support.
  Install, use and regularly update virussoftware.
  Never open an email attachment unlessyou know and trust the person who sent it.
  Do not accept downloads from lnternetsites that you don't know and trust.
  60、What is the most important thing tocomputer care?
  A. Installing and using virus software.
  B. Keeping your system free of dust, dirtand liquids.
  C. Consulting your user manual ortechnical support.
  D. Checking your user guide for cleaningdirections.
  61、Which of the following is true?
  A. Update virus software fi-equently.
  B. Receive an email attachment from astranger.
  C. Repair your computer in time byyourself when necessary.
  D.Do not clean the rubber ball insidethe bottom of a mouse.
  62、In which part will this passage appearmost probably?
  A. Storage.
  B. Operating Systems.
  C. Hardware on the Inside.
  D. Computer Care and Safety.
  Some of China's world beritage sites arepoorly managed, China's Minister of CultureSun Jiazheng admitted at a recent confer-ence.
  At the national conference on world her-itage protection, Sun said stone local govern-ments that make applications for world her-itage status are aimed purely at tourism andeconomy development. "Their aim is under-standahle. But they have not grasped themeaning of world heritage. Their ignorancemay end up with causing damage to the cul-tural heritage," Sun said. "Some local gov-ermnents have been busy developing installa-tions at world heritage sites, but show littleinterest in protecting, managing and carryingout maintenance at the site."
  A number of accidents have been report-ed at heritage sites in China in recent years.Wndang Mountain in central China's HubeiProvince, declared a World Heritage site inI994, saw its 600-year-old YuzhengongPalace burn to ashes in 2003 in a fire causedby a careless elnploye.e of a martial artsschool.
  Some stone inscriptions were stolen fromthe Dazu Rock Carvings iu southwest China'sChongqing Municipality. The site, which hasmore than 50,000 Buddhist, Taoist and Confu-cian rock carvings and 100,000 characters of inseriptions, dates hack more than 1,000years and was included on the World HeritageList in 1999.
  China now has 33 sites on the WorldHeritage List. China hopes to add Diaoloubuildings (military watchtowers) in Kaiping insouth China's Guangdong Province to the listnext year.
  A total of 35 relic sites and ancienthuildings including the Silk Road, the Bei-jing-Hangzhou Crand Canal and ancientbroweries are waiting to be listed as worldheritage sites, according to the State Adminis-tration of Cultnral Heritage (SACH).
  Tong Mingkang, deputy director ofSACH, said China will pay more attention toproteeting and managing heritage sites and tryto prevent excessive tourism. "Site with seri-ous management problems or which fail toprevent damage to their cultural relics will bestruck from the waiting list."
  63、According to Sun Jiazheng, what shouldbe the focus to the government about theworld heritage sites?
  A.Tourism development
  B.Economy development
  C. Maintenance
  D. Being listed as world heritage sites
  64、The writer uses the example of WudangMountain to prove that
  A. the employee is rather irresponsiblewhen on duty
  B. governments ignore the protection andmanagement of world heritage site
  C. governments have been busydeveloping installations at worldheritage sites
  D. governments should spend more moneyon protectiug world heritage sites
  65、What is the main idea of the passage?
  A. China's Culture Minister complainssome world heritage sites are beingdestroyed.
  B. China's Culture Minister declaresmore world heritage sites will helisted.
  C. China's Culture Minister admits someworld heritage sites are over-exploited.
  D. China's Culture Minister denies moreworld heritage sites are endangered.
  Pupils who get top grades in moths A-levels should be given a £500 reward, accord-ing to the head of the British Association forthe Advancement of Science (BA). The formereconomist and journalist, Frances Cairncross,is echoing the concerns of business leaders byexpressing concerns that the supply of scien-tists in Britain is drying up.
  Ms Cairncross, rector of Exter College,Oxford, will make her comments in a speechat this week's BA festival of science in Nor-wich. Her presidential address will also callfor the UK to make adapting to the certainconsequences of climate change a priority (优先权).
  The number of A-level pupils studyingphysics has fallen by 56% in 20 years. Overthe same period, the number studying chem-istry has dropped hy 37%. This year, therewas a rise in the number of pupils who tookmaths A-levels bnt there were still fewer can-didates than in 2000.
  Last month, the Confederation of BritishIndustry warned that the British economy wasnnder threat as its world-class science base.becomes eroded. It argued that thousands ofpotential physicists, biologists and chemists are being lost because of a stripped-down sci-ence curriculum, a lack of specialist teachersand uninspiring careers advice.
  In an attempt to stop the decline, MsCairneross suggested a prize for those cbil-dren who achieved A grades in maths A-lev-els. "I wouht do some experiments in differentpans of the country and see what happens-ifone started off with £500 it might attract theattention of clever young mathematicians,"she said.
  She added that children should be toldabout tbe benefits of studying. "Maths is asubject that opens doors to all sorts of othersubjects. There's good evidence to show thathaving A-level maths boosts your lifetimeearnings," she said.
  Ms Cairncross said science educationwas important not only for the future supplyof scientists but also for enhancing the diffi-cult public debate on climate change. "Acountry that can understand and take part inarguments about climate change needs to bewell educated in science," she said.
  66、Who pays more attention to the laek ofscientists in UK?
  A. British Association for theAdvancement of Science.
  B. British business leaders.
  C. British government.
  D. The president of Exter College.
  67、The underlined werd "rector" in thesecond paragraph might be replaced by
  A. professor B. dean
  C. mayor D. student
  68、Why has the number of A-level pupilsstudying physics or chemistry dropped sosharply in the last 20 years?
  A. Because the two subjects are becomingmore and more difficult.
  B. Because the science curriculums arebroken down and specialist teachersand uninspiring careers advice are rare.
  C. Becanse the two subjects are cancelledby the government.
  D. Because Britain needs fewer physicistsand chemists than before.
  69、According to Frances Cairncross, whichsubject is the most important of thefollowing?
  A. Physics. B. Chemistry.
  C. English. D. Maths.
  70、The title of this passage might be______.
  A. Solution to lack of scientists: pay cashto top art pupils
  B. Solution to lack of scientists: resetschool curriculums
  C. Solution to lack of scientists: pay cashto top science pupils
  D. Solution to lack of scientists: pay cashto top maths pupils
  Thanksgiving Day is the most trulyAmerican of the national Holidays in the U-nited States and is most closely connectedwith the earliest history of the country.
  In 1620, the settlers, or Pilgrims, theysailed to America on the May flower, seekinga place where they could have freedom ofworship(礼拜仪式). After a stormy two-monthvoyage they landed at in icy November, whatis now Plymouth, Massachusetts.
  During their first winter, over half of thesettlers died of starvation or epidemics (传染病). Those who survived began sowing in thefirst spring.
  All sunnner long they waited for the har-vests with great anxiety, knowing that theirlives depended on the coming harvest. Finally the fields produced a harvest ont of their ex-pectations. And therefore it was decided thata day of thanksgiving to the Lord be fixed.Years later, President of the United States an-nnunced the fourth Thursday of November asThanksgiving Day every year. The celebrationof Thanksgiving Day has been observed onthai date until today.
  The form of the Thanksgiving celebrationhas never changed through the years. The bigfamily dinner is planned months ahead. Onthe dinner table, people will find apples, or-anges, chestnuts, walnuts and grapes. Therewill he plum pudding, mince pie, other vari-eties of food and cranberry juice and squash.The best and most attractive alnong them areroast turkey and pumpkin pie. They havebeen the most traditional and favorite food onThanksgiving Day throughout the years.
  Everyone agrees the dinner must be builtaround roast turkey stuffed with a breaddressing to absorb(吸收) the tasty juices as itroasts. But as cooking varies with families andwith the places where one lives, it is not easyto get an agreement on the exact kind of stuff-ing for the royal bird.
  Thanksgiving today is, in every sense, anational annual holiday on which Americansof all faiths and backgrounds join in to ex-press their thanks for the year's reward andrespectfully ask for continued blessings.
  71、The following are mentioned in thispassage except_______.
  A. the origin of Thanksgiving Day
  B. the spirit of Thanksgiving Day
  C. how to prepare for the dinner ofThanksgiving Day
  D. the food people eat on ThanksgivingDay
  72、May flower may be the name of_______.
  A. a ship B. a navy
  C. a place D. a kind of food
  73、Why did all summer long the settlerswaited for the harvest with great anxiety?
  A. Without harvest, they couldn't finishtheir task.
  B. They depended on the harvest tosurvie.
  C. They depended on the harvest to havethe freedom of worship.
  D. They wanted to make sure that theLord can bless them.
  74、The phrase "stuffed with" can bereplaced by______.
  A. filled with B. covered by
  C. stuck to D. linked with
  75、Which of the following statements is true?
  A.The settlers had expected the harvests.
  B.The settlers landed at Massachusettson purpose.
  C.Thanksgiving Day has been observedsince 1620.
  D.The stuffing for turkey varies.
  An eleven-year-old boy in a small townhas wanted  76、_______________
  to be a train driver. For the boy was bornwithout arms.  77、____________
  He was taught with his uncle to use hisfeet as"hands".   78、__________
  He couldn't go to school so he spent allhis times watching.  79、__________
  trains coming and goes because he livednear the station.  80、_______
  What he wished he could be a traindriver! One day he saw.  81、_________
  a empty train and he climbed in. Hestarted it with his.  82、__________
  feet easily. The train reached a smallstation a little away.  83、_________
  the town and then the boy drove it back."I like trains."  84、_______________
  said the boy quiet when he was askedwhat had happened.  85、___________
  Every coin has two sides.________________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ ________________________
一、点单词  1.apparent  [考纲释义]明显的;清楚的;表面上的
一、重点句型  1.It is/was...that强调句型
Cheating    The income-tax deadline approaches andsome taxpayers' thoughts turn to it. Test timeapproaches and some students turn to it.  "You want something you can't get bybehaving within the rules,
Shanta,Hasmuna and their friend Ruxana have “saved”their neihgbor Saleha from early marriage.The three friends met at the Adoles-cent Girls’___in Chandina,southern Bangladesh, and started visiting the
"It was a dark and stormy night.The officer on the bridgecame to the captain and said,"Captain,Captain,there is a light inour sea lane and they won't move."  "What do you mean they won't move? Tell th
第一卷 (选择题,三部分,共1 15分)  第一部分: 听力 (共两节,满分30分)  第一节: 语法和词汇知识 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)  从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。  21. —Have your working conditions improved?  —No,_______ than before, I’m afraid.  A. no be