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到本世纪结束还有二十年,但西方已有人在考虑如何庆祝下一个世纪的到来。前不久西德宣布成立了一个称作“二○○○年委员会”的群众组织,来筹备庆祝二十一年后人类进入二十一世纪。经过广泛征询意见后,现已采纳了一位富有想象力的艺术家的方案:从八十年代末开始建筑一座人造山,提醒人们是生活在地球上的。根据这一方案,人造山呈圆锥形,底部直径为二百米,高五十米。人造山所需的土从参加这次庆祝的各国运来。人造山的锥底底部高二十米,用当地的土堆砌。锥尖部分,高三十米,锥底东西两侧有台阶,从地面顺台阶而上,到达离地面二十米处,便见锥尖部分一分为二,其间有一个上下均为四米宽的空切口,好象杭州的“一线天”。透过“一线天”,蔚蓝的天空仿佛要碰到头顶。从它的两壁的表面可以看到世界各地区的不同颜色的土壤:德国的褐土,意大利的红土,火山地区的黑土,中国的黄土,撒哈拉的沙土和英国的沼泽土等等。为了获得良好的效果,尤其是避免三十米高垂直的空切面的塌方,计划在土中掺入透明的凝土剂——硅树脂。 There are still twenty years to the end of this century, but there are people in the West who are considering how to celebrate the coming century. Shortly afterwards, West Germany announced the establishment of a mass organization called the “2000 Committee” in preparation for the celebration of humanity’s entry into the 21st century after 21 years. After extensive consultation, an imaginative artist’s program has been adopted: building a man-made mountain from the late 1980s to remind people to live on Earth. According to this program, the man-made mountain was conical, with a diameter of 200 meters at the bottom and 50 meters high. The soil needed for the artificial mountain came from the countries that participated in the celebration. The bottom of the conical bottom of the man-made mountain is twenty meters high and is covered with local mounds. Cone tip part, 30 meters high, the cone at the east and west sides of a step, from the ground along the steps up to reach the ground twenty meters, we see cone tip part is divided into two, during which there is a up and down four meters Wide empty cut, as if Hangzhou’s “first-line days.” Through the “first-line days,” the blue sky seems to hit the head. The walls of different colors of the world can be seen from the surface of its two walls: cinnamon soil in Germany, red soil in Italy, black soil in volcanic area, loess in China, sand soil in the Sahara and swamp soil in the United Kingdom. In order to get good results, especially to avoid the collapse of a 30-m-high vertical empty section, it is planned to incorporate a transparent concrete, silicone, in the soil.
马不是生下来就走得好,那是压出来的。在赛里木大草原,压马是个行当,是门技术。 The horse is not born to go well, it is out of pressure. Prairie in the Seri woods, h
1.引言 福岗西70公里荷卡华楚海湾建成了一座钢筋混凝土拱桥,包括拱圈、圈上柱架、桥面行车道,均不用棚架悬空施工;是世界上首次的。 荷卡华楚海湾水深20米,宽160米,是养殖珍