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  尽管艾米纳姆(Eminem,下文简称阿姆)表示新专辑《旧病复发》(Relapse)无意超越之前的成就,他对自己过往所取得的成绩已经挺高兴了。但这位“黑白两道通吃”的说唱天王几个月前还出版了他的回忆录《The Way I am》,该书的序言部分披露了他这些年来避开公众视线原因之一:他多年来的挚友、曾引导并鼓励他走向饶舌世界的说唱歌手Proof (Deshaun Holton)2006年4月死于一场枪击事件。“After he passed, it was a year before I could really do anything normally again.”“If Proof hadn’t gotten me into the rap game, I don’t know where I’d be.” 当Eminem听到噩耗的一刹那,他第一次在公众面前留下了眼泪……
  Interviewer: I think everyone needs a 1)confidant in their life, and sometimes that can be a parent or a brother or a best friend, and in the case for you it was Proof. Someone who 2)came through and, you know, saw you. For whatever reason, your paths 3)collided, you know, and you met each other and you rapped at each other and your life has never been the same ever since; neither was his, you know, and, you know, for you he was just early on in that part of your career. He was your confidant, wasn’t he? He was the guy that just…he was the hand on your back, pushing you to go.
  Eminem: Oh, yeah. You know, whenever I thought, like,…if ever there…you know, Proof was the kinda…was the kind of person that I would go and play somethin’ for and I would get, like, immediately get the … basically the criticism that I needed. You know what I mean? He would tell me, like, if somethin’ was 4)wack, he would make fun of me for it, but he wouldn’t do it in a mean way. He would, like, we’d joke about it, you know what I mean, ’cause that’s kind how our relationship was, but, you know, when I did hit somethin’, when I 5)was on to somethin’ he would tell me, and he’d be, like, really 6)adamant about it, you know what I mean? He would just be like, “Yo, people need to hear this!”
  Interviewer: And then he took you down the Hip Hop Shop, Mo Malone’s, man, which was an important part of your life. I mean, I know there was a story in the book where you talk about your first 7)rhyme experience in front of a crowd, which everyone is gonna be terrible. You’re never gonna get out there and8)smash the crowd apart, you know, it’s never gonna happen, but you took a few years away from that and then Proof was, like, “Come on!” dragged you down to the Hip Hop Shop and got you on the mic again.
  Eminem: Yeah, well he didn’t, like,physically drag me, but he told me…he basically said, “Come down here tomorrow.” He had called me and told me, you know, “Come down here tomorrow, try it out, there’s gonna be this 9)battle goin’ on,” or whatever, and somethin’ was goin’ on down there. I’m not sure if…I think it was a battle, and he was tellin’ me, basically, like, “Wait ’til most of the people 10)clear out, like after the battle, and rhyme, you know, just, you 11)ain’t gotta really battle nobody, just rhyme and let people hear you rhyme, and if you…if you don’t like it, you ain’t gotta do it again.” So, like, “alright, cool,” so I ended up calling work and tellin’ them I was gonna be a little late.
  Interviewer: Were you working at the time? Were you…what were you doin’?
  Eminen: Well, Gilbert’s Lodge, I was a…chef.
  Interviewer: (laughing)
  Eminem: … a 12)short order cook or whatever, you know, but I went down there and I got, just from the few people there, it was like I got this response, it was like, it was crazy.
  Eminem: That was, like, a turning point in my life. That’s when I, like, really, really dug down and got serious with everything, you know, 13)metaphorically, lyrically, makin’… payin’ attention to everything I said, you know, making sure, like, everything was a 14)punch line because, you know, in…in rap, especially back then, everything was punch lines; metaphors, punch lines, and you would try to get “oohs” and “aahs” from whoever was there.
  Interviewer: Something that’s missing to me now, I wish more rappers were coming out and actually…and actually ended their four 15)bars with some power, you know, as opposed to just like a connection to the next four.


大多数中国人是从赫本的电影《蒂芙尼的早餐》认识蒂芙尼这个品牌的。蒂芙尼首饰在影片中呈现的高贵、优雅让人久久难忘,而这一点也正是蒂芙尼的魅力所在。但其实,让蒂芙尼蜚声世界的除了首饰,还有很多很多……    Tiffany was the natural choice to complement the elegant beauty of the legendary Audrey Hepburn in
主持人:《福布斯》杂志刚刚刊出了该刊与全美高校学费与绩效中心共同评选出的全美最佳高校排名。现在我们采访到的是来自俄亥俄大学的经济学家理查德·维德,他同时也是高校学费与绩效中心的主席。欢迎你,教授。  理查德·维德:很高兴能和你一起,贾森。主持人:那么,在我问你有关你们调查中排名最高的学校之前,你能不能将你们的排名与《美国新闻和世界报道》排名做个简要的比较?着重从方法论出发。  维德:好的。《美国新
万众瞩目的2012年终于到来!  每到新年,人们总是热衷于许下新年决心。特别的2012,你又决心做什么呢?在大家埋头苦想之前,不妨先看看以下有趣的调查。  怎么样,以上的调查,你是否看出了其中的“幽默”?我们一方面雄心勃勃地表明“决心”,一方面却毫不留情地动摇。这一正一反的悖理,就好比我们对2012的感受。一方面,我们认为世界末日一说是子虚乌有,依然尽情地玩微博,享受网购,看“4D”电影,另一方面
远在我孤寂的梦之外  我看见你于微光中向我招手  等你到永远  想要铭记住  现在我将大门敞开  我于此将白天点亮  为我和我们的爱  我会长留此地  湛蓝金黄的海洋面露微笑  这份喜悦会漂至万里  沉默的希望收起翅膀等待再次高飞  所有闪亮的生命将齐聚停留  我们的命运,是个真实的幻想  我将爱分享,助你度过黑夜  远如长空  我的心将靠向那哭泣的人  我永远不会将你抛在身后  我们的命运,是个
此次物种灭绝的规模与速度并不亚于让恐龙从地球上消失的那一次。这是地球有史以来的第六次规模性灭绝的开端。一如从前,在灾难面前,专化物种比其他物种都来得脆弱。  熊猫与竹子  在中国,熊猫对食物很挑剔,它们就只吃竹子,但难以置信的是,它们对此并不擅长。因为有特别的大拇指来抓竹叶,它们能飞速地摘到竹子,可熊猫的肠子却不能很好地消化植物,于是,它们吃的大部分竹子只不过是在消化系统里走一趟罢了。由于这种低效
打开电视机,几乎每档节目你都能看到专家在侃侃而谈,大到解决世界经济危机、股市起伏,小到高考填表志愿、省钱诀窍,专家无所不在,无所不能。但似乎没有人想过,专家真的有这么大的本事吗?《群众的智慧》这本书告诉我们,专家其实也就那么回事。  在这本令人赞叹不绝的书中,《纽约客》杂志的专栏作家索罗维基致力探讨一个认知上虽很单纯,但实质上却极具复杂度的想法:一大群人比一小群菁英份子还来得聪明,不论这群菁英份子
I can’t remember when you weren’t there  When I didn’t care for anyone but you  I swear we’ve been through everything there is  Can’t imagine anything we’ve missed  Can’t imagine anything the two of u
这是加拿大蒙特利尔一个剧院顶部的巨型圆顶,但让人瞩目的不是其形状,而是这个名为satosphere的剧院内部。在这里,研究人员正致力于把电影的视觉效果推向一个全新的高度。  路易斯·菲利普·圣·阿诺特(生产及沉浸式发展主管):让Satosphere如此独一无二的是,图像都是投射到地面上的。我们被图像包围,由此产生3D效果。  这个由艺术与技术协会研发的直径为18米的大圆顶,为观众提供360度的视觉
语音:英式发音 适合精听  语速:170词/分钟  关键词:yoga, naked, British, motivation    In the basement of a central London New Age shop, a yoga class is about to get underway. It’s for men only. We wait for our instructor