
来源 :Journal of Sport and Health Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lzs
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背景:赤脚跑日益流行,据称这种方式更加自然,而且因为能降低冲击载荷而减少损伤。但赤脚跑初学者却未必会立刻切换到前脚掌着地模式,这可能增加载荷速率等力学参数。载荷速率与某些跑步引起的损伤相关,特别是胫骨应力骨折、髌股关节疼痛和足底筋膜炎。本研究旨在用实时力反馈检查穿传统跑鞋跑步和有指导的赤脚跑两种情况下载荷参数的变化。方法:让49名因下肢损伤就医的病人在力传感跑步机上穿传统跑鞋跑步,再以同样速度赤脚跑步。他们赤脚跑时得到口头指导,并收到垂直地面反作用力实时反馈。结果:有92%(n=45)的受试者穿鞋跑步时为后脚跟着地模式,只有2%(n=1)的受试者在有指导的赤脚跑时用后脚跟着地。另外,赤脚跑时有47%(n=23)的受试者在所分析的8步中垂直瞬态冲击消失。从穿鞋跑变为有指导的赤脚跑,所有受关注的载荷变量均显著降低,包括:地面反作用力的最大瞬时和平均垂直加载速率(p<0.0001)、初始加载硬度(p<0.0001)、内侧(p=0.001)和外侧(p<0.0001)地面反作用力峰值,以及垂直(p<0.0001)、内侧(p=0.047)、外侧(p<0.0001)方向的脉冲。结论:由于冲击载荷与某些跑步引起的损伤相关,因此在跑步者由穿鞋跑过渡到赤脚跑时,应给予适当的有关前脚掌着地模式的指导和反馈,从而降低损伤风险。 Background: The growing popularity of barefoot running is said to be more natural and less damaging because of the reduced impact load. However, barefoot runners may not immediately switch to the forefoot landing mode, which may increase the load rate and other mechanical parameters. The rate of loading is associated with some treadmill-induced injuries, particularly tibia stress fractures, patellofemoral joint pain and plantar fasciitis. The purpose of this study was to examine the changes of the load parameters in real-time force feedback under both conditions of wearing traditional running shoes and guided barefoot running. METHODS: Forty-nine patients who had medical attention for lower extremity injuries wore traditional running shoes on a force-sensing treadmill and ran barefoot at the same speed. They were orally guided while barefoot and received real-time feedback of vertical ground reaction. RESULTS: Ninety-two percent (n = 45) of subjects were heel-in-the-heel running while running shoes and only 2% (n = 1) of the subjects used the heel to heel when instructed in barefoot running. In addition, 47% (n = 23) subjects at barefoot running lost their vertical transient impact in the 8 steps analyzed. From the running shoe to the guided barefoot run, all the load variables of interest were significantly reduced, including: maximum instantaneous and average vertical loading rates of ground reaction (p <0.0001), initial load hardness (p <0.0001) (P = 0.001) and outer (p <0.0001) peaks, and vertical (p <0.0001), medial (p = 0.047) and lateral (p <0.0001) impulses. CONCLUSIONS: Since impact loads are associated with injuries caused by certain running, appropriate guidance and feedback on the ground pattern of the forefoot should be given to reduce the risk of injury as runners transition from running shoe to barefoot run.
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(本刊讯)7月7日至9日,中国书协书法培训中心在北京开办了为期三天的优秀学员创作辅导班。开办本次辅导班的目的主要是为了迎接全国第九届书法篆刻展的到来,并针 (Ben Kanxun