Natural products and their derivatives as G-quadruplex binding ligands

来源 :Science China(Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lzxkong
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G-quadruplexes comprise a class of secondary structures that are formed in guanine-rich sequences in eukaryotic genomes and play a crucial role in the regulation of many biological events.G-quadruplexes have become targets for anticancer drugs with high selectivity vs.duplex DNA and low cytotoxicity against normal cells.Natural products and their derivatives display polymorphism,structural complexity,and potent activity.It is,therefore,reasonable to seek ligands targeting G-quadruplexes from natural products.Recently,many successful examples have been reported,showing ligands with excellent anticancer activities.In this review,we summarized the development of research on natural products and derivatives that target G-quadruplex structures in an effort to guide future studies. G-quadruplexes a class of secondary structures that are formed in guanine-rich sequences in eukaryotic genomes and play a crucial role in the regulation of many biological events. G-quadruplexes have become targets for anticancer drugs with high selectivity vs. duplex DNA and low cytotoxicity against normal cells. Natural products and their derivatives display polymorphism, structural complexity, and potent activity. It is therefore, therefore, reasonable to seek ligands targeting G-quadruplexes from natural products. Recently, many successful examples have been reported, showing ligands with excellent anticancer activities. In this review, we summarized the development of research on natural products and derivatives that target G-quadruplex structures in an effort to guide future studies.
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