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一、组合型选择题【考题回放】(2015·全国新课标卷Ⅰ)2014年11月,国务院召开常务会议,部署加快推进价格改革,缩小政府定价范围,实行公开透明的市场化定价。加快推进价格改革旨在1破除垄断,促进市场竞争2扩大生产规模,增加产量3降低商品价格,增加商品销售量4以市场价格为信号,引导社会资本投资A.12 B.14C.23 D.34答案:B I. Multiple Choice Test Questions (2015 · National New Curriculum Volume I) In November 2014, the State Council held a standing meeting to speed up price reform, reduce the scope of government pricing and implement open and market-oriented pricing. Speeding up price reform aiming at breaking monopoly and promoting market competition 2 expanding production scale and increasing output 3 lowering commodity prices and increasing commodity sales 4 Using market prices as a signal to guide social capital investment A.12 B.14C.23 D. 34 Answer: B
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