
来源 :河北林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yyxgxgxg
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榆兰叶甲啮小蜂(Tetrastichns sp.)属膜翅目(Hymenoptera)、姬小蜂科(Eulophidae),是榆兰叶甲〔Pyrrhalta(Galerucella)aenescens Fairm.〕卵的一种主要寄生蜂。榆兰叶甲广布于河北、河南、山东、山西、陕西、辽宁等省,近年来发生十分猖獗,严重影响榆树生长。尤其我省中部平原地区,榆树被食,片叶无存,群众不愿再种植。但我省南部地区由于啮小蜂的大量存在,此虫为害却不十分严重。1982年在我区发现此蜂,而且调查证实该蜂为控制榆兰叶甲大发生的主要天敌。为进一步繁殖和利用,我们对其生物学特性进行了初步研究,现报道如下。 The genus Tetrastichns sp. Belongs to Hymenoptera and Eulophidae and is a major parasitic wasp of the eggs of Pyrrhalta (Galerucella) aenescens Fairm. Elm leaf widely distributed in Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Liaoning and other provinces, occurred very rampant in recent years, seriously affecting the elm growth. In particular, in the central plains of our province, the elms were eaten and the leaves were left blank, and the masses did not want to plant anymore. However, due to the large number of small bees in the southern part of our province, this pest is not very serious. The bee was found in our district in 1982, and the investigation confirmed that the bee was the main natural enemy that controls the leafhopper occurrence in the field. For further breeding and utilization, we conducted a preliminary study of its biological characteristics, are reported below.
蝼蛄是直翅目蝼蛄科害虫。山西各地主要分布的是华北蝼蛄(Gryllotalpa unipinaSaussur)和非洲蝼蛄(G.africama Paligot et Beauvois)。这两种蝼蛄食性较杂,除为害粮食作物外
大雨。窗外被粉笔涂灰了,烟雨暗千家。  窝在家里读汪曾祺。开首第一篇《花园》,看了竟有些难过,因为我嗅到一股记忆的味道。美丽的记忆,有颜色,有声音,有味道。中长镜头,近景,特写,频繁切换,轻重缓急,时间交错。好像那个长大了的孩子通过时光隧道走回那个园子,看小时候的自己四处玩耍。把以前不经意的细节定格放大,原来从来不曾忘记过啊。  记忆中的味道,会留存长远。汪曾祺将自己的一个集子命名为《晚饭花集》,
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