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古老的塔里木河,来到若羌县北面的阿尔干时,出现了一个大转弯,河水由原来的流向东南转向了正南。“阿尔干”是维吾尔语“转弯分叉”之意,这个地名命得既科学又符合塔里木河的实际情况。当地的维吾尔族文里和他的从公安局退休的年过七十的父亲,给我详尽地讲了他们在阿尔干一带居住时的情景和亲身经历。阿尔干的过去环境和今天的比较,使我们都陷入了深深的思考……阿尔干在五十年代还是一片水乡泽国,到了六十年代水位开始下降,七十年代地表开始干涸,八十年代大片胡杨树开始死亡。30多岁的艾里说:他在阿尔干塔里木河中抓过鱼,拾过蚌壳,这里有二十几户以鱼猎为生的人家。七十年代初河水变成了泥滩,泥滩变成了干沙滩,上百斤重的大鱼忍受不了无水的煎熬而钻进了沙子里找水喝,它们含着悲愤死去,这些大鱼死 When the ancient Tarim River came to Arjun in the north of Ruoqiang County, there was a big turn and the river turned from southeast to south. “Arkan ” is the Uyghur language “turn forks ” meaning, the name of life is both scientific and consistent with the actual situation of the Tarim River. The local Uighur literary man and his 70-year-old father, who retired from the Public Security Bureau, gave me a detailed account of their situation and personal experience while living in the Argan. Arkan’s past environment and today’s comparison, so that we are deeply into thinking ... ... Arkan in the fifties or a water country, by the 1960s the water level began to decline, the seventies surface began to dry up, the eighties Large poplar trees began to die. Airy, who is in his 30s, said: "He caught fish in the Ali River in the Tarim River and picked up the clam shell. There are more than 20 dozen people who fish for a living. The early seventies into a mudflat river, mudflats into a dry beach, a hundred pounds of heavy fish can not stand the waterless suffering and got into the sand to find water to drink, they contain grief and indignation, these large Fish died
1 概述1992年冬季,商丘地区决定开挖新三义寨引黄干渠,由于使用推土机、铲运机开挖难以作业,只有采用“人海战术”疏浚渠道,工程成本高,组织较为困难,又加重了农民负担。为
句號、逗號、頓號、分號、冒號總稱點號。這些符號用起來要注意它们中间的关系。 (1)他天天只忙些砍柴、洗盤子、擦地板等等零碎事情,真正的手藝一點沒有學到。 (2)無數新奇
During my stay in Japan I had the opportunity to visit the 54th Sapporo Snow Festival at the invitation of Mayor Nobuo Katsura. I had been to Sapporo several ti
一、我建议出版部門对此引起严重注意。‘引起注意’是引起别人注意。自己注意,可以不用‘引起’。‘对此注意’不大合习惯,不如‘注意这件事’自然些。全句句改: 我建議出
初晤哈纳斯湖 經過160公里的顛簸,我們於下午3點多到達了哈納斯,這個蒙古語意为“美麗而又神秘”的地方。 哈納斯湖是一個座落在阿爾泰深山密林中的高山湖泊,面積45平方公里
前几天,绍兴好友老冯拎来一只活鸡,说是新品种,名“越鸡”,请我品尝,还附带一个要求,希望我试制几款适合该品种的鸡肴。 鸡装在礼品纸盒中,盒上有拎襻携带方便,盒侧开了个“
1.切肥肉 先将肥肉蘸凉水,然后放在案板上,一边切一边洒点凉水,这样切肥肉省力,也不会滑动,不易粘案板。 2.切羊肉 羊肉中有很多膜,切之前先将其剔除,否则炒熟后肉烂膜硬,吃