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新生儿高胆红素血症是新生儿期最常见的病症,当未结合胆红素异常增高时可导致中枢神经系统不可逆的损害致死或致残,为了做好高胆红素血症的防治,现将我院收治的新生儿高胆红素血症186例分析如下。 1 临床资料 本组186例均为我院1994~1997年住院的新生儿,符合《实用新生儿学》新生儿高胆红素血症的诊断标准。 1.1 一般资料 男132例,女54例。足月儿120例,早产儿54例,过期产儿12例。入院时间生后半小时至28天。发病<7天者148例,≥7天者38例。出生体重<2500克55例,2500克~3999克119例,≥4000克12 Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is the most common neonatal disease, when unconjugated bilirubin can cause irreversible damage to the central nervous system death or disability, in order to do a good job in the prevention and treatment of hyperbilirubinemia Now admitted to our hospital 186 cases of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia are as follows. 1 Clinical data 186 cases of this group are hospitalized in our hospital from 1994 to 1997 newborns, in line with “Practical Neonatology” neonatal hyperbilirubinemia diagnostic criteria. 1.1 General Information 132 males and 54 females. 120 cases of full-term infants, 54 cases of premature children, 12 children with obesity. Admission time half an hour to 28 days after birth. Incidence of <7 days in 148 cases, ≥ 7 days in 38 cases. Birth weight <2500 grams in 55 cases, 2500 grams to 3999 grams in 119 cases, ≥ 4000 grams 12
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