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三一携旗下七大类33台明星产品参展,以5880平米的展出面积成为本届展会的第一大参展商。同时,携手普茨迈斯特和帕尔菲格联袂参展,这是三一并购普茨迈斯特、与帕尔菲格成立合资公司后首次以“航母舰队”形式联袂亮相这一行业盛会,凸显了三一国际化新面貌。本次展会,三一在带给消费者丰富视觉盛宴的同时,也为客户提供更加多元化的选择。在本次参展的33台产品中,有不少全新产品备受瞩目,多款三一年度全新产品齐齐亮相,展现三一创新实力。“包括融合中德科技的C8S泵车、新一代C9挖机、业内首创的混合动力起重机、天然气搅拌车、推土机、400吨级强夯机,以及享誉全球的三一帕尔菲格随车起重机等。”据三一集团展会人员介绍,参展单位囊括泵送、重机、重起、路机、港机、普茨迈斯特六大事业部,三一旗下多款市场占有率第一的明星产品悉数“盛装出席”。三一携行业首创的混合动力起重机等多款全新产 Trinity brought its seven major categories of 33 star products to its exhibition, with the exhibition area of ​​5,880 square meters becoming the largest exhibitor of this exhibition. In the meantime, Putzmeister and Parfig joined hands to participate in the exhibition. This is the March 1 merger of Putzmeister. After the establishment of a joint venture with Parfig for the first time in the industry in the form of “carrier fleet” The event highlighted the new appearance of the internationalization of Trinity. This exhibition, Trinity in bringing consumers a rich visual feast, but also to provide customers a more diverse choice. In this exhibition of 33 products, many new products have attracted the attention of a variety of new products in Trinity debut, showing Trinity innovation strength. “Including the integration of Germany and Germany C8S pump technology, a new generation of C9 digging machine, the industry’s first hybrid cranes, natural gas mixers, bulldozers, 400-ton tamping machine, and the world-renowned Trinity Parfig car Cranes, etc. ”According to the introduction of Sany Group Exhibition staff, the exhibitors included the pumping, heavy machinery, heavy lifting, road machines, port machinery, Putzmeister six division, a variety of market share of Sany’s A full range of celebrity products “dress up ”. Trinity to bring the industry’s first hybrid crane and many other new products
四川省委第二党校学术委员会于4月28日会同《探索》杂志社、校科研处召开了“学习小平同志重要讲话”理论讨论会。与会同志畅所欲言,十分热烈,发言主要集中以下几个方面: 一
日前上海市总工会召开了“94年民主管理新招”发布会,会上发布了近年来各企业探索职工参与改革的新方法、新举措,现选摘部分获奖新招,供读者参考。 A few days ago, the Sha
每个人都有缺点 ,但要一分为二地看 ,每个人的身上又都能找到闪光之处。作为教师 ,批评学生那些应予批评的缺点错误 ,表扬那些应予表扬的闪光点 ,是我们经常使用的教育手段。
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