
来源 :北京体育学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangchenlin
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研究生健康状况关系到国家培养高级专门人材的合格率,并将直接影响我国科技事业的发展.典型调查表明,研究生体质呈下降趋势,其中最根本的原因是缺乏经常性体育锻炼。开设研究生体育课,把他们中断多年的体育活动开展起来,改善健康状况,提高身体素质和生理机能水平,培养独立锻炼能力,培养拚搏进取、创造开拓等优良品质,促进学生个体社会化。研究生体育课的课程设置、教材、教法、考核要求等应体现出以“三个方向”为指针,改革高校体育教育的精神并适合研究生的特点.1985年,中国人民大学在该校研究生的强列要求下,为他们开设了体育课,先后三届933人分别参加7个项目的学习训练,效果显著. The health status of postgraduates is related to the passing rate of the training of senior professionals in the country and will directly affect the development of science and technology in our country.It is indicated by the typical survey that the postgraduates’ physical fitness is on a downward trend. The most fundamental reason is the lack of regular physical training. Open postgraduate physical education class, carry out their interrupted sports activities for many years to improve their health status, improve their physical and mental performance, develop independent training ability, cultivate hard work ahead, create pioneering and other excellent quality and promote the individual socialization of students. Postgraduate physical education curriculum, teaching materials, teaching methods, examination requirements should reflect the “three directions” as a guide to reform the spirit of college physical education and suitable for the characteristics of graduate students in 1985, Renmin University of China in the school graduate Strong demand, set up physical education classes for them, successively three 933 people participated in the study of seven projects training, the effect is remarkable.
我最初知道丁里这个名字,是1939年从一本延安出版的美术刊物上见到的。上面有他创作的招贴画《上前线去》。画面上一个全副武 I first got to know Ding, the name I saw f
Few popular songs are titled a doctor’s name and even fewer are sung directly by the doctor’s patients. However, the song Dr. Wu might be the exception. After