
来源 :农业发展与金融 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jingchengyu
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农发行信阳市分行坚持以人为本,以管理统揽全局,在所辖11个县区支行全面推行联库信贷员工效挂钩管理办法,打破分配上的平均主义,建立起责权利相结合的经营管理机制,促进了收购资金封闭运行中心任务的完成。自1998年4月份以来,农发行专司粮棉油收购资金供应和管理职责。广大信贷人员在人员少、任务重的情况下,夏顶烈日,冬冒严寒,日夜奋战在收购资金封闭管理第一线,做了大量艰苦细致的工作,取得了突出的成绩。随着时间的进展,有个别同志产生了厌战心理,思想麻痹,工作躲避艰苦,拈轻怕重,互相攀比,出现了个别企业挤占挪用收购资金的不良苗头。为此,市分行在今年初传达总行和省分行行长会议精神时,把对联库信贷员实行工效挂钩管理提上了议事日程,行长召集人事信贷部门专题研究,组 Agricultural Bank of China branch in Xinyang adhere to the people-oriented management of the overall situation in the jurisdiction of the 11 counties and counties under the full implementation of the joint library loan officers efficiency-linked management practices to break the distribution of egalitarianism and establish a combination of responsibilities and interests of the management mechanism , To promote the completion of the acquisition of funds closed operations center mission. Since April 1998, the Agricultural Development Bank specializing in the supply of grain, cotton and oil supply management responsibilities. With a small staff and heavy workload, the majority of credit officers fought over the summer and winter and fought hard day and night to work hard on the first line of acquisition of closed funds and made a great deal of painstaking efforts and achieved outstanding results. With the progress of time, some comrades have become mentally retarded, paralyzed their minds, worked hard to avoid hardships, scrupled their weight, and compared with each other. There have been some bad signs that individual companies have misappropriated the proceeds of the acquisition. To this end, the city branch earlier this year to convey the spirit of the head office and the governor of the branch, the couplet loan officers to implement ergonomics linked management put on the agenda, the governor convened the personnel and credit sector research, group
杜泰航,1966年出生,1991年留学瑞士苏黎士音乐学院,师从著名钢琴家Homero Francesch、K a r l—h e i n zKaemmerling、ViktorMerzhanov等,在欧洲举办了近300场音乐会,在Sche
一、前言 我省舞阳环城改建段计长4.036公里,路基全宽22米,土方工程于1982的由舞阳县组织施工,次年底基层(石灰土结构)仍由该县组织施工。由于路基土含水量大,在底基层施工