Local Anesthesia in Cataract Surgery-A Comparison of Different Methods

来源 :眼科学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wgsgdy
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Seven groups of thirty patients undergoing cataract extraction under local anesthesia were each given different combinations of local anesthesia. These varied from a maximum approach using supra-orbital, infra-orbital and facial blocks with Hyalase, orbital compression and pre-operative Acetazolamide down to a minimum group receiving purely an infra- orbital and supra-orbital block with a Ugnocaine/Bupivacaine mixture. There was no significant difference in local analgesia or in the complication rates between the seven groups. The benefits of Acetazolamide and orbital compression remain doubtful. The use of Hyalase and of a facial block resulted in fewer complications and in better akinesia. Seven varied of thirty patients undergoing cataract extraction under local anesthesia were each given different combinations of local anesthesia. These varied from a maximum approach using supra-orbital, infra-orbital and facial blocks with Hyalase, orbital compression and pre-operative Acetazolamide down to a minimum group receiving purely an infra- orbital and supra-orbital block with a Ugnocaine / Bupivacaine mixture. There was no significant difference in local analgesia or in the complication rates between the seven groups. The benefits of Acetazolamide and orbital compression remain doubtful. The use of Hyalase and of a facial block resulted in fewer complications and in better akinesia.
于1990年7月至9月之间,我院收治5例较重的隐翅虫对眼部的损害,报告如下: 本组病例均为夜间骑自行车和路上乘凉时隐翅虫爬于眼部所致,均可见眼睑明显爬痕及水疱,以及水疱破损