CAEXPO (Vietnam Exhibition): An Economic and Trade Platform Oriented Towards Vietnam

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  Vietnam and China are linked by the same mountains and rivers, with a time-honored history of friendly exchanges. The year 2016 marks the 25th anniversary of the establishment of ASEAN-China dialogue relations, at a time when Vietnam serves as the Country of Honor of the 13th CAEXPO. On June 16, 2016, CAEXPO (Vietnam Exhibition) was held in Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, with the aim of facilitating business development and cooperation between Vietnam and China, during which a large number of well-known enterprises displayed their knock-out products and a continuous stream of visitors came to the exhibition; in the meantime, it is regarded as a warm-up for the 13th CAEXPO to be held on September 11-14, 2016.
  Over the years, China has become Vietnam’s largest trading partner, largest source of import and fourth export market as both bilateral trade scale and economic and trade cooperation continue to expand; moreover, due to the continuous development of market, transformation has been implemented in terms of bilateral trade structure, thus making technology-intensive industrial products the vital items on display.
  Vietnam Exhibition to serve Chinese top-ranking enterprises
  Hong Xiaoyong, Ambassador of China to Vietnam, stated that 2016 marks the 25th anniversary of the establishment of ASEAN-China dialogue relations, when ASEAN and China, with concerted efforts of the two sides, have formed a highly-integrated community of interests as well as a responsible community sharing weal and woe, and thus to establish an even closer community of shared destiny. Also, he hoped that the Vietnam Exhibition would press ahead with pragmatic cooperation between the two sides.
  Supported by the governments of Vietnam and China, Chinese entrepreneurs with high-quality products are committed to contributing to economic and trade cooperation between the two sides and winning the trust of customers in Vietnam’s market. At the exhibition, dazzling commodities were displayed, affluent economic and trade activities held, and authoritative forums organized, leaving a good impression on all the exhibitors or participants. Therefore, the exhibition, which was highly appreciated by all the stakeholders of Vietnam and China, is viewed as a key item to advance the Belt and Road construction and foster an even closer community of shared destiny. It is revealed that, under the leadership of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), a delegation composed of 36 representatives from 25 Chinese enterprises was engaged in the exhibition. Zhu Lingyan, Deputy Director of Trade and Investment Promotion Department of CCPIT, said that CCPIT would give priority to four aspects to drive the bilateral trade development: multiple bilateral cooperation mechanisms for industry and commerce, comprehensive service system conducive to enterprises’ going global, all-round legal services targeted at commercial affairs, and global promotion plan for cross-border E-commerce.   High-quality products to promote mutual benefits
  The exhibition was held in Hanoi International Centre for Exhibition, with an exhibition area of 5,188 square meters and a total of 330 pavilions. According to the statistics, 166 Chinese SOEs, Chinese Top 500 enterprises, and top-ranking small and medium-sized enterprises collectively participated in the exhibition, the commodities of which included food processing and packaging machinery, engineering machinery and transport vehicles, electric products, power equipment and new energy, building materials, advanced technologies. Of those, technology-intensive products were the featured ones. Mr. Do Thang Hai, Deputy Minister of Ministry of Industry and Trade, Vietnam, noted that the exhibition is a specific action for mutual economic and trade cooperation, and will generate much more opportunities for enterprises of the two sides to jointly explore the market in China-ASEAN Free Trade Area.
  Vietnam is an important overseas market for China’s Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor Co., Ltd., possessing a sub-brand named “Chenglong” which is highly popular in Vietnam. It is reported that the exported automobiles made by Dongdeng totaled nearly 4,000. At the exhibition, Dongfeng displayed its cars and SUVs to the consumers in Vietnam, for the purpose of satisfying their new demands. Moreover, it is learned that Dongfeng is projected to establish a three-level accessory supply chain in Vietnam this year, and thus to provide Vietnamese customers with high-quality after-sale services, and tap into the potential of Vietnamese market.
  Likewise, Euro 4.0 motor tailored to Vietnamese consumers, which was produced by Guangxi Yuchai Machinery Group Co., Ltd., made its appearance at the exhibition; the corporate value -- “Green Development & Harmonious Win-win” was presented to the public; in addition, it is hoped that the existing products of Yuchai could hold more market shares in Vietnam.
  China is Vietnam’s ninth largest source of foreign investment. Due to the thriving Chinese investment in Vietnam, Jiangxi Mingguan New Materials Co., Ltd. is concentrating its efforts on exploring the market of photovoltaic industry in Vietnam. Mingguan showed its strong technical strength to the visitors by virtue of the exhibition, so as to seek the local cooperative partners.
  In addition, a number of economic and trade activities like Vietnam-China Technology & Investment Matchmaking Conference were also held during the exhibition, connecting exhibitors with travelling merchants from different countries in the region. It is estimated that a total of 17 cooperation agreements were signed by Vietnam-China enterprises in such aspects as new energy development and application, Beidou Navigation Satellite System application, and refrigeration house engineering, worth 31.8 million yuan. At the same time, Guangxi-Qu?ng Ninh Technology Transfer Center Cooperation Agreement was also concluded, making the center a pioneering one in the ASEAN-China region.
  Furthermore, the Vietnam Exhibition was a gathering of not only Vietnamese travelling merchants and investors but also the media from Vietnam (including VTV, Nhan Dan Báo, Báo Tu?i Tr? and Báo Sài Gòn Gi?i Phóng) and China (including People’s Daily,,, and, strengthening the influence of the exhibition.
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