In 1930, Tan Hsin-chu and Li Chun-yu conducted a survey on the ground in western Sichuan (formerly Hikkatsu). They named a set of dark gray slate, shale and sandstone, and green-gray slate and sandstone formations to the west of Kangding as “Xikang System” , And plant fossils in the west of Yajiang. The fossils are mostly Podozamites. Therefore, the “Xikang System” is compared with the Xiangxi coal system and assigned to the Jurassic Period (see Tan Xichou, Li Chunyu, 1959: Chikang Di, Xikang, Sichuan). In his book “The Main Tectonics of China”, which was published in 1945, Huang Jiqing cited five evidences that denied that the “Xikang System” is a Jurassic period and that it is mainly Paleozoic. In the 1955 “Kham-Tibet Route Map”, the “Xikang Series” strata was renamed as “Zha Ke System”, setting its age as the Second Permian. In 1958, the Garze prefectures classified it as Permian-Permian, while others also defined it as Carboniferous. In short, the age of this formation has long been debated.