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研究历史人物的重要活动,研究历史人物在当时所发挥的作用,研究历史人物如何推动了我国社会和文化的发展,这对于整理我国历史遗产,开展历史科学研究和加强爱国主义教育,都有很大的帮助。自从全国解放以后,历史科学工作者编写了不少的关于介绍和评论历史人物的著作,叙述了中国历史上某些人物的重要事业,说明了他们在历史上所发挥的作用,使读者得到很多知识,受到很大的教育,是有很大的成绩的。不过这些著作在数量上,在质量上还不能完全满足人民的需要,有的在论证方面,在估价方面还存在着一些问题。现在仅就所看到的几本历史人物传记提出几点意见。第一,历史人物只有在一定的社会条件下才能显出他们的作用。如果拿破仑不是生在新兴资产阶级反抗旧制度的时代,如果他所统率的士兵和将领不是来自刚刚脱离封建统治的法国人民,拿破仑就很难成为当时的欧洲霸主,也许他终身只是一个不太著名的将军。如果岳飞不是生在宋、金两国的矛盾成为主要矛盾的时代,他就不能成为民族英雄,相反的,他只能被人称为镇压农民起义的统帅。但有一些关于历史人物的著作,却忽略 Studying the important activities of historical figures, studying the role that historical figures played at that time, and studying how historical figures promoted the development of our society and culture are important for organizing our historical heritage, conducting historical scientific research and strengthening patriotism education Big help. Since the liberation of China, many books on the introduction and review of historical figures have been written by historical scientists, describing the important undertakings of certain figures in Chinese history, illustrating their role in history and giving readers a great deal of experience Knowledge, subject to great education, is a great achievement. However, the quantity and quality of these books can not fully meet the needs of the people. Some have argued that there are still some problems in the valuation. Just a few comments on the few historical biographies I’ve seen. First, historical figures show their role only under certain social conditions. If Napoleon was not born in the era of the emerging bourgeois revolt against the old system, Napoleon would find it hard to become the European hegemony at the time if the soldiers and generals he ruled were not from the French people who had just departed from the feudal rule. Perhaps for a lifetime he was only a less famous one General. If Yue Fei was not born in an era when the contradictions of the two countries became major contradictions, he could not become a national hero. On the contrary, he could only be described as the commander-in-chief in suppressing the peasant uprising. However, there are some books on historical figures that are ignored
041甲状腺30分钟摄取(99m) ̄Tc-MIBI半定量快速诊断甲亢[英]/KaoLH…JNuclMed.-1993,34(1).-71~74用131I甲状腺摄取率和甲状腺扫描能反映-甲状腺功能。但131I摄取可被抗甲亢药物所影响,且要在口服131I... 041 Thyroid uptake for 30 minutes (99m)