1924年,吴仁光、韦荣洛、徐恒3人自费前往巴黎首次参加了在那里举行的第八届奥运会 1932年,田径选手刘长春作为中国惟一的一名运动员参加了在美国洛杉矾举行的第十届奥运会的角逐。刘长春成为中国第一位正式参加奥运会的选手。 1960年,中国台北运动员杨传广在罗马举行的第十届奥运会上,以8334分的成绩获得男子十项全能银牌。这是中国选手获得的第一枚奥运会奖牌。 1968年,中国台北选手纪政在墨西哥
In 1924, Wu Renguang, Wei Rongluo and Xu Heng went to Paris for the first time for their participation in the Eighth Olympic Games at their own expense. In 1932, athlete Liu Changchun, the only athlete in China, participated in the first Olympic Games in Los Angeles Tenth Olympic Games. Liu Changchun became China’s first official Olympiad player. In 1960, Chinese Taipei athlete Yang Chuan-Guang won the men’s decathlon silver medal at the 8334th place at the 10th Olympic Games in Rome. This is the first Olympic medal won by Chinese players. In 1968, Chinese Taipei discipline Ji Zheng in Mexico