在《米其林指南法国2014》发布前一个月的时间,米其林专为法国2014米其林必比登美食推荐餐厅发布了最新版指南(Bonnes Petites Tables du guide MICHELIN 2014),先让大家一饱眼福,抢先体验法国所有超值又美味的餐厅。“必比登美食推荐餐厅”的称号只颁发给那些口味出众且价格亲民的餐厅。简言之,这些
One month prior to the release of the Michelin Guide France 2014, Michelin designed the latest version of the Guidebook for the 2014 Bistro Berlin Michelin Recommended Restaurants (Bonnes Petites Tables du guide MICHELIN 2014) All great value and delicious restaurant. “Bibitang gourmet recommended restaurant ” title is only awarded to those taste superior and price-friendly restaurant. In short, these