
来源 :生命的化学(中国生物化学会通讯) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:loveyue0414
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食物纤维(Dietary fiber.简称DF.)是食物中不被人体消化酶所水解的成分,过去一直认为它在营养学上是一种无多大价值的物质,故未引起人们重视。近年来,DF的生理意义已逐渐明确起来,特别是它能抑制饭后或糖负荷试验时的血糖上升,并能使血清胆固醇降低。故对DF的生理功能应重新评价: 1.有助通便古代养生家十分重视DF。大便是否通畅与健康关系密切,例如:汉朝王充在《论衡》中指出:“欲得长生,肠中常清;欲得不死,肠中无滓”。 Burkitt等人指出:肠内容物通过时间与内容物或大便量有反比关系,内容物或大便量越多,则通过时间越短,而大便量与膳食中DF有关,多食含DF量较高的食物易于排便。肠蠕动功能随年龄增长而减弱,男子自50多岁以后女子自60多岁以后,习惯 Dietary fiber (DF), a component of food that is not hydrolyzed by human digestive enzymes, has historically been considered to be a material of little nutritional value in nutrition and has received little attention. In recent years, the physiological significance of DF has gradually become clear, in particular, it can inhibit the rise in blood glucose after a meal or sugar load test, and serum cholesterol can be reduced. Therefore, the physiological function of DF should be re-evaluated: 1. To help purge ancient health care attaches great importance to DF. For example, the Han dynasty Wang Chong pointed out in Lun Lunheng: "For a long life, Chang Qing often grows in the intestine. Burkitt et al. Point out that the transit time of intestinal contents is inversely proportional to the amount of contents or stools, the more the contents or stools are, the shorter the passing time is, and the amount of stools is related to the DF in the diet. Easy to defecate food. Peristalsis function with age and weakened, men since the 50s after the woman since the 60s, the habit
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