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CEO是美国人在20世纪60年代进行公司治理结构改革创新的产物。20世纪90年代开始在美国盛行,并引入其他国家企业中。 CEO的出现在某种意义上代表着将原来董事会手中的一些决策权过渡到经营层手中。CEO是决策层与执行层的有机结合点。CEO的出现有效地解决了决策层与执行层的断裂,增强了企业的决策和执行能力,既提高了工作效率,又降低了管理成本。CEO制度在发展中也出现了一些问题。2002年美国一系列公司财务丑闻出现以后,对CEO制度的科学性又进入了一个讨论时期。但CEO制度还是在逐步向其他国家推广,这个势头没有停止。中国在加入WTO以后加快了引入CEO体制的步伐。在中国实行CEO制度,不能一哄而起,要有明确的原则要求,以防范风险,确保成功。 CEO is the product of American innovation and reform of the corporate governance structure in the 1960s. It started to prevail in the United States in the 1990s and was introduced into other state enterprises. In a sense, the emergence of a CEO represents the transition of some decision-making power in the hands of the original board to the management. CEO is an organic combination of decision-making and executive level. The emergence of CEO has effectively solved the fracture between the decision-making level and the executive level and enhanced the decision-making and execution ability of enterprises, which not only improved the work efficiency but also reduced the management cost. There are some problems in the development of the CEO system. After the series of corporate financial scandals in the United States appeared in 2002, the scientific nature of the CEO system entered a period of discussion. However, the CEO system is still being gradually promoted to other countries and the momentum has not stopped. After China acceded to the WTO, China accelerated the pace of introducing the CEO system. To implement the CEO system in China, we must not rush into mass production. We must have clear principles to prevent risks and ensure success.
大家都认为我是个书呆子。我喜欢国际象棋和数学,不喜欢运动。  每年夏天,爷爷奶奶都要在北方瀑布地区租一幢小木屋。我们整个大家庭都会去那里度假,远足、钓鱼、游泳——日复一日。  每年我都被迫同行。大家认为,攀登岩石、深入溪谷、被蚊子叮咬、汗水刺得眼睛生疼都是有趣的事情。我说我不喜欢,但他们不相信我是说真的。  “亚历克不爱去,就别勉强他。”爷爷看着爸爸说,就像爸爸有时看着我那样。  第二天早上,其他
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