出师告捷贝多芬到达维也纳后的第二年,就公开出版了一首《钢琴三重奏》。后来,他又陆续出版了一些其他作品,名气也越来越大。他想:要想在维也纳站稳脚跟,就必须举办一场属于自己的音乐会。机会总是留给有准备的人。维也纳“大音乐家联盟”筹划举办一场慈善音乐会,便派人找到贝多芬,贝多芬毫不犹豫地接受了“大音乐家联盟”的邀请。1 795年3月25日,维也纳贝格剧院热闹非凡,人来人往,剧院被挤得水泄不通。演奏会上,贝多芬充分表现出自己与众不同的风格,运用各种变幻莫测的表现手法,将个性与激情天衣无缝地交织在一起,达到了一种前所未有的效果。现场听众都为贝多芬那天马行空的畅想和磅礴的气
In the second year after his arrival in Vienna, David Beethoven published a piano trio. Later, he also published a number of other works in succession, the reputation is also growing. He thought: In order to gain a foothold in Vienna, they must hold a concert of their own. Opportunity awaits those who are prepared. The Vienna “Big Musicians League” planned to hold a charity concert and sent Beethoven to be found. Beethoven did not hesitate to accept the “Musicians League” invitation. On March 25, 1795, the Vienna Berg Theater was very lively and crowded. The theater was packed. At the concert, Beethoven fully demonstrated his unique style, using a variety of unpredictable expression techniques, seamlessly intertwined with personality and passion, and achieved an unprecedented effect. The audience listened to Beethoven’s imagination and the air