
来源 :新课程(中学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhgjdy
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随着新一轮教学改革的不断深入和发展,初中生物也正经历着一系列的改革,虽然在教学过程中突出了学生主体地位,也侧重对学生自主探究以及创新能力的培养,然而在实施教学的过程中也陷入了一些误区,值得教师去反思。以八年级生物教学为例,谈谈“新课改下的初中生物教学反思”这个话题。 With the continuous deepening and development of a new round of teaching reform, junior middle school biology is also experiencing a series of reforms. Although it highlights the dominant position of students in the teaching process and focuses on the students’ self-exploration and creative ability cultivation, In the process of implementing teaching, some mistakes have also been caught in the course of teaching so that teachers should reflect on it. Taking the eighth grade biology teaching as an example, we talk about the topic of “junior high school biology teaching reflection under the new curriculum reform”.
成语是语言中经过长期使用、锤炼而形成的固定短语或词组。从成语出处可了解成语的真实涵义,掌握并正确、恰当地使用成语。 Idioms are fixed phrases or phrases in langua
通过开放式课堂、开放式考试的教学实践,对课程教学改革进行了新的探索,得到了一些有益的体验。 Through the practice of open-class and open-ended examinations, a new
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合肥市庐阳区对困难户低保审批特事特办,采取现场办公,不要老百姓跑腿。(见8月11日(《安徽工人日报》) Luyang District, Hefei, Dabao households for special needs to do
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本文结合了一定的语言实践论述了在语言语义学范畴中词义的定义,从词义的实质和语言功能两个角度阐发词义的内涵。 This paper discusses the definition of word meaning i