依靠广大群众 治理水土流失 促进农村经济发展

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我们吉林省土地开发较早,自然植被较少,加之人口稠密,边治理边破坏现象严重,水土流失越来越明显地影响到工农业生产的发展。因此,搞好水土保持,已成为发展农业生产、振兴吉林经济,保障人民安居乐业的一件大事。 一、发展水土保持事业,搞好商品粮基地建设 吉林省是国家重点商品粮基地之一。1983年以来,随着农村家庭联产承包责任制的普及,我省粮食生产结束了多年徘徊不前的局面,产量先后登上了1000万吨和1500万吨两个台阶,1988年又达到1693万吨的历史最高水平。近10年粮食产量相当于前20年产量之和:人均占有粮食、粮食商品率、粮食调出量和玉米出口量等项指标,连续几年居全国之首。 We Jilin Province earlier land development, less natural vegetation, combined with densely populated, while serious damage to governance, soil erosion has more and more obviously affected the development of industrial and agricultural production. Therefore, improving water and soil conservation has become a major event in developing agricultural production, rejuvenating Jilin’s economy and ensuring that people live and work in peace and contentment. First, the development of soil and water conservation, improve commodity grain base construction Jilin Province is one of the national key commodity grain base. Since 1983, with the popularization of the household contract responsibility system in rural areas, grain production in our province has ended its years of stagnation. The production volume has boarded two levels of 10 million tons and 15 million tons successively, and reached 1693 in 1988 Tons of tons of the highest level in history. The output of grain in the past 10 years is equivalent to the sum of the output of the past two decades: the per capita possession of grain, the rate of grain commodity, the amount of grain transferred out and the export of corn, ranking the head of the country for several consecutive years.
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