Influence of nitrogen gas on structure and properties of DLC films prepared by XeCl pulsed laser dep

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feng1644
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Diamond-like carbon (DLC) films were prepared by PLD process using 308 nm(XeCl) laser beam with high power (500 W) and high frequency(300 Hz). The effects of nitrogen pressure on the structure and properties of the DLC films under such extremely high power and repetition rate were studied. The results indicate that the microstructures of the films are varied from amorphous carbon to graphitized carbon in long-order with the increase of N2 pressure, and the optical properties of the films are deteriorated as compared to that of DLC films without nitrogen. Diamond-like carbon (DLC) films were prepared by PLD process using 308 nm (XeCl) laser beam with high power (500 W) and high frequency (300 Hz). The effects of nitrogen pressure on the structure and properties of the DLC films under such extremely high power and repetition rate were studied. The results that that microstructures of the films are varied from amorphous carbon to graphitized carbon in long-order with the increase of N2 pressure, and the optical properties of the films are deteriorated as compared to that of DLC films without nitrogen.
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