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越南医药工业经营境况并不乐观,处于亏本状态;而外国药品却大量涌入该国市场。目前,越南市场的药品,有80%是进口货。在越南南方的胡志明市,药店里占主导地位的商品是来自俄罗斯、美国、比利时、法国、日本、韩国、印度的药品。 越南医院所用的药品,90%是进口货。使用越南自己生产的药品者通常是比较贫困的人民,或者是不能充分享受公费医疗者。外国药品充斥市场的一部分因素是由于外国制药厂商供应的药品往往扣率较大,而据说有些医院所购的进口药品,有的比越南本国生产的同类产品昂贵,且疗效差。 越南医药工业在顶峰期间的增长幅度曾达到20%,目前日益衰落,在支撑越南医药工业半爿天的胡志明市,1997年前7个月比1996年同期下降了20%~40%。越南公共卫生部长披露,越南1997年上半年度药品出口额只有500万美元,而同期药品进口额却达1.2亿美元,高出二十几倍之 The situation of Vietnam’s pharmaceutical industry is not optimistic, and it is in a state of losing money; while foreign medicines are pouring into the country’s market. At present, 80% of medicines in the Vietnamese market are imported. In Ho Chi Minh City in southern Vietnam, the leading commodities in pharmacies are medicines from Russia, the United States, Belgium, France, Japan, South Korea, and India. Ninety percent of medicines used in Vietnamese hospitals are imported. People who use Vietnam’s own production of drugs are usually poor people or those who cannot fully enjoy public medical expenses. Some of the factors that foreign drugs flood the market are due to the large deduction rate of drugs supplied by foreign pharmaceutical companies. Some imported drugs purchased by some hospitals are said to be more expensive and less effective than similar products produced in Vietnam. The growth rate of Vietnam’s pharmaceutical industry during its peak period reached 20%, and it is now declining. In Ho Chi Minh City, which supported the Vietnamese pharmaceutical industry, it fell by 20% to 40% in the first 7 months of 1997 compared with the same period in 1996. Vietnam’s Minister of Public Health disclosed that Vietnam’s drug exports in the first half of 1997 were only US$5 million, while imports of medicines reached US$120 million over the same period, which is more than 20 times higher.
名优产品被假冒,屡见报端,企业如何应对?山西朔州假酒案最大受害企业——汾酒集团公司的总经理高玉文,主动申请国家质监局抽检,做法独到,可资借鉴。请看—— Famous and hig
长虹集团质量管理负责同志指出,他们主要从以下四方面对长虹产品质量进行全方位、开放式的质量监督管理。 首先,公司建立健全了从产品开发设计、生产制造到售后服务为主的质
四川苍溪县六槐乡凤凰村五组组长、民兵排长周勇成在各级领导的关怀下,任劳任怨,踏实工作,带领乡亲们走上了共同富裕的道路。 凤凰五组位于全乡最高处,是典型的旱山组。面对
企业名称商品味精销量 (t)味精实现利润 (万元)t味精利润 (元)96年t味精利润 (元)河南莲花广州奥桑山东三九武汉味全杭州肇庆星湖浙江蜜蜂山东威海温州快鹿10725326346232701
在东南亚金融风暴发生后,除了使这一区域的经济增长率大幅下降以外,对于个人电脑销量也会有所影响。有关人士分 析,以第三季度销售数字而言,整 个亚太地区(日本除外)销量为