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王兆卿艺术简历王兆卿,字卜臣,号五谷斋主,1966年生。中国书法家协会会员,安阳市书协理事,殷契印社副社长。1995年,全国第六届中青年书法篆刻家作品展、全国第六届书法篆刻展;1998年,全国第七届中青年书法篆刻家作品展;1999年,全国第七届书法篆刻展、第四届中国书法篆刻电视大赛优秀奖;2000年,全国第八届中青年书法篆刻家作品展;2001年,第一届中国美术金彩奖、书法兰亭奖全国书画作品展;2002年,第二届中国书法艺术节《全国中青年篆刻家作品展》;2003年,首届中国敦煌国际书法艺术节“敦煌杯”全国书法大赛;2004年,全国第八届书法篆刻作品展提名奖、全国第五届楹联书法展三等奖、西泠印社第五届篆刻艺术评展(书法、篆刻同时入展)、《书法导报》国际书法篆刻大展;2005年,第四届全国正书展、第三届中国书法艺术节《全国书法百家精品展》。 Wang Zhaoqing art resume Wang Zhaoqing, Bu Buchen, No. grain vegetarian, born in 1966. Chinese Calligraphers Association, Anyang City Shuxie director Yin Yin Indian community vice president. In 1995, the sixth national calligraphy and seal cutting works exhibition, the sixth calligraphy and seal cutting exhibition in the country; In 1998, the Seventh Chinese young calligraphy and seal cutting works exhibition; In 1999, the Seventh Chinese calligraphy and seal cutting exhibition, the Fourth Chinese calligraphy and seal cutting TV contest Excellence Award; In 2000, the Eighth Chinese young and middle-aged calligraphy and seal cutting works exhibition; In 2001, the first Chinese art gold color award, calligraphy Lanting Award National Painting Exhibition; 2002, the second China Calligraphy Festival “National young and middle-aged seal cutting works exhibition”; 2003, the first Chinese Dunhuang International Calligraphy Festival “Dunhuang Cup” national calligraphy contest; 2004, the Eighth Calligraphy Seal Carving Nomination Award, the fifth The Third Calligraphy Exhibition, Xiling Yinshe Society The Fifth Seal Carving Art Exhibition (Calligraphy and Seal Engraving Progress) “Calligraphy Guide” International Calligraphy and Seal Cutting Exhibition; 2005, The Fourth National Book Fair, The Third Chinese Calligraphy Festival “National Calligraphy 100 boutique exhibition.”
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