
来源 :林业勘查设计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:HJ565dgdgd
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伐区调查设计是林业生产的先行工序。伐区调查设计成果是编制企业计划、科学组织及指挥木材生产和合理经营森林的基础和依据。为了准确地反映伐区森林资源情况和合理的组织木材生产,伐区调查设计成果必须真实,同时必须符合技术上先进,经济上合理的原则。为此就伐区设计谈几点看法。一、伐区调查设计的意义和目的伐区调查设计是一项重要的森林经营工作,一般称它为林业生产建设上的尖兵,对于合理利用和发展森林资源,有计划的完成森林采伐及培育森林,实现青山长在,永续利用,使木材源源不断地支援社会主义革命和建设,提前实现四化建设的宏伟目标有着重要的意义。 Cutting area survey design is the first step in forestry production. The results of the investigation of cutting areas are the basis and basis for compiling enterprise plans, scientifically organizing and directing timber production and rational management of forests. In order to accurately reflect the situation of forest resources in logging areas and to rationally organize the production of timber, the results of investigation and design of cutting areas must be truthful and at the same time must meet the technologically advanced and economically reasonable principles. To cut the design of the area to talk about this view. First, the significance and purpose of cutting survey design Cutting survey design is an important forest management work, generally referred to as a pioneer in the forestry production and construction, for the rational use and development of forest resources, the planned completion of forest harvesting and cultivation It is of great significance for forests to realize the long-lived and sustainable use of timber so that the endless stream of timber can support the socialist revolution and construction and advance the grand goal of the four modernizations.
在第十二届上海国际汽车工业展览会上,Infiniti英菲尼迪首度向中国公众展示了其FX豪华SUV。FX是一款身兼运 Infiniti Infiniti presented its FX luxury SUV to the Chinese
杨树是世界重要的速生用材树种,大约有100余种,分布在欧、亚和北美约北纬20-72度。我国杨树品种资源丰富,约57种,是世界杨树分布中心。杨树生长迅 Poplar is an important
1)本发明专利号8710344.3. 本发明涉及气体激光管的阴极,为气体激光管提供了一种球形整体结构镀铝阴极.阴极壳与激光管用同一种玻璃质材料制成一体.在阴极壳内表面镀上一层铝