Protein expression and preparation of polydonal antibody of AD-004 and study on its expression in th

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Objective To prepare rabbit antibody against mouse AD-004 by AD-004 expressed in the prokaryotic expression system and to identify its distribution in the testis and adrenal. Methods The full-length cDNA of mouse AD-004 was cloned into PET28 plasmid, and the protein was induced in E. coli BL21 bacteria by adding IPTG and then purified by Ni2+ -NTA column. The purified protein was used as an immunogene to prepare polyclonal Objective To prepare a rabbit antibody against mouse AD-004 by AD-004 expressed in the prokaryotic expression system and to identify its distribution in the testis and adrenal. Methods The full-length cDNA of mouse AD-004 was cloned into PET28 plasmid, and the protein was induced in E. coli BL21 bacteria by adding IPTG and then purified by Ni2 + -NTA column. The purified protein was used as an immunogene to prepare polyclonal
1阿托品抑制短暂LOS松驰的机制Gut(1999,44:603)载,美国Fang等报告,溴化甲基东莨菪碱(methscopolamine bromide, MSB)与阿托品不同,对胃食管反流(GOR)病病人的短暂食管下端括约肌(IDS)松弛或GOR发生率无 1 Mechanism of atropine in inhibiting
Calcium ions are the most ubiquitous and pluripotent cellular signaling moleculesthat control a wide variety of cellular processes.The calcium signaling system
2004年6月中、下旬 ,象州县石龙镇、马坪乡发现有粘虫暴发为害甘蔗 ,据调查 ,石龙镇七个村民委全部发现有粘虫发生 ,发生面积1100亩 ,马坪乡六个村民委发现有粘虫发生 ,发生
实验筛选出了防锈铝电解抛光液的配方类型,在此基础上,通过正交试验,找到了LF21防绣铝电解抛光的最佳工艺条件,并讨论了有关因素对抛光质量的影响。 Based on the above res
一、金鸡点头+上山伏虎用法  ①甲乙双方各右手持鞭面对面立正站立。  ②乙方右脚向前上步同时右手持鞭向甲方腹部前戳。  ③甲方左脚迅速向左横跨半步,随即右脚向前上步躲闪,右手持鞭向右拦截下压乙方鞭杆。  ④甲方右脚继续向前上步,右手持鞭沿着乙方的手臂顺势斜劈乙方头部。  二、白云盖顶用法  ①甲乙双方各右手持鞭面对面立正站立。  ②乙方右脚向前上步同时右手持鞭向甲方腹部前戳。  ③甲方向前向左转侧
病儿男,4个月.生后即晕厥、抽搐频繁发作,可自行缓解.查体:呼吸32次/min,心率105次/min,口唇无发绀,无杵状指(趾).心界向右稍扩大,胸骨左缘2~3肋间可闻及3/VI级收缩期喷射性杂音,P2减弱,肝肋下3.0 cm,质软.X线胸部正位片显示右室缘有隆起.二维超声心动图及多普勒检查示各房、室腔内径大小正常;右室腔内3.5 cm×1.6 cm强回声团块,边界不规则,回声匀质,贴于右室前壁,