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新税制的实施,就其本身而言,对企业在社会主义市场经济体制下创造了一个公平税负、平等竞争的良好环境,使企业同时进入市场经济的平等竞争行列,依法经营,自负盈亏,照章纳税;对企业来说,只要根据市场需求,开发和生产适销对路、有竞争能力的产品,并不断进行技术更新,促使生产和销售呈持续上升趋势,就能在市场上长期生存.不断发展。我厂抓住有利时机,在贯彻新税制的同时,分析了本厂在新税制运转中存在的问题,结合实际采取有效措施,确保了税收制度的贯彻实施。我厂贯彻实施新税制中着重注意的主要问题是: For its part, the implementation of the new tax system has created a favorable environment for enterprises to enjoy fair tax burden and equal competition under the socialist market economic system, enable enterprises to simultaneously enter into the ranks of equal competition in a market economy, run businesses according to law, assume sole responsibility for profits and losses, According to the tax; for enterprises, as long as the market demand, develop and produce marketable, competitive products, and ongoing technical updates, prompting production and sales were on the rise, will be able to long-term survival in the market. development of. While seizing the favorable opportunity, our factory analyzed the problems existing in the operation of the new tax system while implementing the new tax system, and took effective measures to ensure the implementation of the tax system. Our factory implements the new tax system to pay attention to the main problem is:
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在人类艺术领域中,音乐是一切艺术中最接近抒情的。为了表达音乐中的情感,在钢琴演奏中投入大量的感情因素是非常关键的。  音乐的主要审美特征,就是抒情性。音乐作品中,情感多于描绘,也大于描写。德国伟大的美学家黑格尔曾经说过:“音乐所特有的因素是单纯的内心方面的因素,即本身无形的情感。”音乐表演者(演唱者、演奏者),通过对作品中词曲作者所表现的情感体验,再将这些情感传达给观众,引起观众的情感共鸣,收到“
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.