患者,男,53岁。因右侧颈部肿物进行性肿大5年加重15 d,门诊以“右甲状腺肿物性质待查”收住院。体检:右颈前隆起,甲状腺可触及大小8 cm×6 cm肿物,质硬,边界不清,轻压痛,随吞咽上下移动,气管受压向左侧移位。左甲状腺未触及肿大。全身浅表淋巴结无肿大。甲状腺CT扫描示:右甲状?
Patient, male, 53 years old. Due to the right neck tumor progressive enlargement of 5-year exacerbation of 15 days, the clinic to “right thyroid tumor nature to be checked,” admitted to hospital. Physical examination: the right cervical anterior bulge, the thyroid can reach the size of 8 cm × 6 cm tumor, hard, unclear boundary, mild tenderness, with swallowing up and down, tracheal pressure to the left shift. Left thyroid untreated swollen. Systemic superficial lymph nodes without swelling. Thyroid CT scan shows: the right thyroid?