迎难而上 啃硬攻坚——沈阳市“2003·01·18”张显光团伙系列爆炸持枪抢劫运钞车案

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2003年1月18日17时50分,位于沈阳市大东区东顺城街151号的沈阳商业银行辽沈支行第一储蓄所门前发生一起持枪爆炸抢劫运钞车案件。正在往运钞车上送款的储蓄所工作人员王洪海及随车保安员刘伟当场被炸身亡,运钞车司机袁传友跳下车时被歹徒开枪打死,另有5人受伤(其中1人重伤)。犯罪分子将装有人民币220万元的4个钱袋抢走后,驾驶停留在现场附近的红色松花江微型面包车逃离现场。详勘细访周密分析案发后,沈阳市公安局紧急调动相关分局民警,配合刑侦技术人员,以发案地为中心,东西扩展60米、南北扩展150米划定现场范围,对现场进行了地毯式搜索,清理并提取该范围内所有可利用物证。现场血泊中提取猎枪用12号猎枪弹砂架一枚,可疑足迹多枚。经对外围现场搜索,发现并提取了大量爆炸抛出物。针对持枪爆炸抢劫运钞车案现场的特殊性,沈 At 17:50 on January 18, 2003, a case of a gun explosion with a gun exploded in front of the First Depository of Shenyang Commercial Bank Liaoyang Branch of No. 151 Dongshuncheng Street, Dadong District, Shenyang City occurred. Wang Honghai, a cashier who was sending money to the banknote transporter, and Liu Wei, a truck security guards officer, were killed on the spot. Yuan Chuan-you, a driver of the banknote van, was shot and killed while crippled while jumping off and another five were injured Serious injury). After the criminals robbed 4 purse sacks with a total amount of 2.2 million yuan, they drove off the red Songhuajiang minibus that left the scene and fled the scene. Detailed investigation and detailed analysis After careful analysis of the incident, Shenyang Municipal Public Security Bureau urgently mobilized the relevant branch of the police, with the criminal investigation and technical personnel to the scene as the center, the expansion of 60 meters east-west, north-south extension of 150 meters to define the site scope of the scene Carpet search, clean up and extract all available evidence in the area. Extraction of shotgun at the scene of a pool of gun with a 12 shotgun shells, a suspicious footprint more than one. After the external field search, found and extracted a large number of explosive thrusters. In view of the particularity of the spot robbery and robbery with a gun, Shen said
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