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档案编研工作是公共档案馆主动地汇集研究、加工输出档案信息,将静态的档案资源转化成为动态的档案信息,为社会各方面的利用者提供科学完整、优质系统档案信息服务的一项业务工作环节。强化档案编研工作对于公共档案馆贴近构建社会主义和谐社会、促进经济社会均衡发展的社会现实,履行公共档案馆开发档案信息资源和向社会提供档案信息服务的基本职能均具有积极作用。然而,我们必须清醒地认识到当前公共档案馆在开展档案编研工作过程中所面临的实际困难相当数量的公共档案馆、尤其是作为基层的县级公共档案馆,普遍存在着档案编研选题范围过窄、档案编研成果质量较低、编研经费来源渠道不畅等现实问题,极大地制约了公共档案馆的档案编研工作向更深层次的发展。对此,必须解放思想、采取措施,积极探寻公共档案馆在新的社会条件下开展档案编研工作的基本对策,以进一步强化档案馆的档案编研工作。 Archival research work is the public archives take the initiative to pool research, processing output file information, the static file resources into dynamic file information for all sectors of society to provide a scientific and complete, high-quality system file information services business Work session. Enforcing archival compilation work has a positive effect on public repositories’ social reality of building a harmonious socialist society, promoting the balanced development of economy and society, fulfilling the basic functions of developing archival information resources of public archives and providing archival information services to the society. However, we must clearly understand that the current public archives in the process of archival research work to face the actual difficulties A considerable number of public archives, especially as the grass-roots level of the county public archives, Too narrow scope of the title, the low quality of the achievements in the compilation and research of archives and the poor sources of funding for the research and development have greatly restricted the further development of the archives work of the public archives. In this regard, we must emancipate our minds and take measures to actively explore the public archives in the new social conditions to carry out the basic measures of file editing and research work to further strengthen the file archives research work.
目的:检测兔膝关节骨关节炎模型血清IL-1β、TNF-α的含量并进行统计学分析,探讨揉髌手法治疗膝关节骨关节炎取效的可能作用机制。  方法:选择新西兰大白兔40只,其中20只手