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目的:为探讨我院近10年来新生儿死亡原因,减少我区新生儿病死率,对94例新生儿死亡病例的临床资料加以分析。方法:收集近10年来住院新生儿420例,其中死亡94例,占同期住院新生儿的22.38%。结果:我区新生儿死亡率仍居其他年龄段的首位,居全国各地区新生儿死亡率的前列。结果表明死亡新生儿中男多于女,农村多于城镇,感染、出生体重、早产、出生日龄与新生儿死因有关。其死因依次为:新生儿肺炎、新生儿窒息、新生儿硬肿症、新生儿破伤风、新生儿败血症、新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病、早产儿、低体重儿、先天畸形、新生儿肺透明膜病、新生儿肺出血等。结论:我区围产期新生儿死亡率高,主要因我区卫生条件差,农村居民的围产期保健意识差,致使新生儿在出生时、出生后受到难产、感染及寒冷等多种因素影响,且多数病重时才来就诊,延误抢救时机。因此要降低我区新生儿死亡率,关键是提高我区居民的经济文化水平及产科和新生儿科的医护水平。 Objective: To investigate the causes of neonatal deaths in our hospital in the past 10 years and reduce the neonatal mortality in our district, the clinical data of 94 neonatal deaths were analyzed. Methods: 420 cases of hospitalized newborns in recent 10 years were collected, 94 of them died, accounting for 22.38% of newborns in hospital during the same period. Results: The neonatal mortality rate in our district is still the highest in other age groups, ranking the forefront of neonatal mortality in all regions of the country. The results showed that more newborns died than men, more women than in urban areas, infection, birth weight, premature birth and birth date were related to the neonatal death. The causes of death were as follows: neonatal pneumonia, neonatal asphyxia, neonatal scleredema, neonatal tetanus, neonatal sepsis, neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, premature children, low birth weight children, congenital malformations, neonatal lung Hyaline membrane disease, neonatal pulmonary hemorrhage and so on. Conclusions: The high neonatal mortality rate in perinatal period in our district is mainly due to the poor sanitary conditions in our district and the poor awareness of perinatal health care among rural residents. As a result, newborns are exposed to many factors such as dystocia, infection and cold at birth and after birth Affect, and most of the time to see a doctor, delay the rescue time. Therefore, to reduce neonatal mortality in our district, the key is to improve the economic and cultural level of residents in our district and the level of medical care in obstetrics and neonatology.
1 病例 病例1 24岁,因月经干净4天,要求上环,于2000年3月21日就诊。既往月经规则。孕2产0,5月前药流一次。BP:100/60mmg、P80次/分,心肺检查未见异常。妇科检查:子宫后位、
目的:评价负压封闭引流技术(VSD)复合对流冲洗在治疗皮肤软组织缺损中的作用.方法:将45 例患者均行清创或骨折复位固定术,术后分为改良VSD 组21 例,常规换药组24 例;2 组患者