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黄勇刹在八四年十二月全国作家代表大会开幕前夕猝然以心力衰竭、病逝北京,如今快满两周年了。当时,事出意外,真不知说什么好。而今,伤感的激动冷静下来之后,觉得对他是应该说几句话的。是歌剧《刘三姐》在全国各地引起了广泛的影响之后,作为五人创作组之一的黄勇刹,从一个默默无闻的文学爱好青年,平步青云,一夜之间居然成了知名的文坛新秀。这成就,在他来说,可不是偶然的侥幸,也非一闪即逝的流星,而正是他文学生涯的一次飞跃,是火石敲击的一道闪光。之后,他在创作活动和民歌研究方面之所以比其他几 Braving the heart failure, he died in Beijing just two days before the opening of the National Writers’ Congress in December 1984. At that time, something unexpected, I really do not know what to say. Now, after the sentimental excitement calm down, I think he should say a few words. After the opera “Sister Liu” had aroused widespread influence across the country, Huang Yongzha, one of the five creative groups, loved the youth from an obscure literature and went all out overnight, becoming a well-known literary rookie overnight. This accomplishment, for him, is no accidental luck, nor fleeting meteor, but it is a leap in his literary career, is a flash of fire flint. After that, he is more creative than others in terms of creative activities and folk song research
课文(一)A.请问,我往美国旧金山打一个长途电话,是在这儿办理吗?B.是。请您先把这张表填清楚。 Lesson (A) A. I ask, I make a long distance call to the United States
三十八年前,邱德根先生初到香港,可谓赤手空拳,可是凭着他的智慧和勤奋,从六十年代开始,一步步向上攀登,成为香港影视界、企业界的知名人士. Thirty-eight years ago, when
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