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数学应用题是数学教学的重要组成部分,但教材中的应用题较多的是经过数学处理的“形式化”的常规习题,远离学生生活实际。使得许多学生在它面前自信心受到伤害,长此以往学生不但对应用题产生恐惧心理,也会丧失运用数学知识解决身边有关数学实际问题的能力。因此,教师应该让学生喜欢充满乐趣的生活中的数学问题,尤其在实际的课堂教学中,根据新《课程标准》的要求,创造性地使用教材,引导学生从多角度去思考、发现、体验、学会掌握、运用新知识,从而培养学生的创新能力。所以有必要对教材中应用题的选材作一下改编。教材的编写是面向各地学生的,不一定适合当地的实际,我们可以根据班级学生的实际情况将书本上的应用题改编成学生身边的数学问题,并创设一定的情境呈现给学生。这种情境可以是一幅生活图景,也可以是图表、对话、文字叙述,甚至用漫画等形式呈现数量关系。本期辑发了《“1512元与每箱12个”没有直接关系吗?》《小学数学应用题教学的探索》和《移多移少使两部分同样多的应用题说课稿》三篇文章,希望这样的教学可以使学生从自身的生活背景中感知数学,激发他们对应用题的学习兴趣,增强学习的积极性,也有助于培养学生将实际问题转化为数学问题并加以解决的能力,逐步形成良好的应用意识。主持人/卜冬? The maths application problem is an important part of mathematics teaching. However, there are more application questions in the teaching materials which are “formalized” routine exercises which are mathematically processed, far away from the actual students’ life. So many students in front of it self-confidence hurt, the long run not only students have the fear of the problem, will also lose the ability to use mathematical knowledge to solve practical problems related to mathematics around. Therefore, teachers should make students like the mathematical problems in a fun-filled life. Especially in the actual classroom teaching, according to the requirements of the new “curriculum standard”, teachers should creatively use teaching materials to guide students to think, discover, experience, Learn to master and apply new knowledge, so as to cultivate students’ innovative ability. Therefore, it is necessary to apply for the textbook material selection for some adaptation. The preparation of teaching materials is for students all over the world, not necessarily suitable for the local reality, we can according to the actual situation of the class students will be applied to the book into a math problem around the students and create a certain situation presented to the students. This situation can be a picture of life, it can also be a chart, dialogue, text narrative, and even the use of comics and other forms of quantitative relationship. The issue of this issue “” 1512 yuan and 12 per box “is not directly related to it?” “Primary school mathematics problem teaching exploration” and “move more and move less two parts of the same number of application questions that course” three articles , Hope that such teaching can make students perceive math from their own background of life, stimulate their interest in learning the application of the problem, enhance the enthusiasm of learning, but also help students develop the ability to solve practical problems and math problems and gradually Form a good sense of application. Host / Bu Dong?