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目的了解北京市35~60岁女性居民超重及肥胖的流行病学特征。方法采用分层整群抽样方法抽取北京市城乡35~60岁女性居民3263名进行肥胖流行病学特征分析。调查内容包括问卷调查和体格检查。问卷调查主要包括被调查对象的基本信息和生活方式,基本信息包括年龄、学历水平、职业等,生活方式包括体力活动、烟、饮及睡眠现况;体格检查为身高、体重、腰围(WC)和臀围(HC)。多元线性回归分析研究女性超重和肥胖的相关因素。结果北京市35~60岁女性居民超重率及肥胖率分别为38.4%和24.3%。不同BMI水平在年龄组间差异有统计学意义(P=0.0002),肥胖率在50~60岁年龄组最高(77.2%)。腹型肥胖(WHp>0.8和WC>80 cm)的比率随着BMI值的增加而增高(P<0.05),BMI≥28.0组腹型肥胖率最高为95.7%。低中高体力活动以及代谢当量存在显著性差异(P=0.02)。回归分析结果腰臀比(WHR)是超重的危险因素,高体力活动是女性居民肥胖的保护因素,而高中及中专教育水平、腰臀比是肥胖的危险因素。结论北京市35~60岁女性居民超重及肥胖率较高,应针对危险因素加强对妇女超重和肥胖的干预。 Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of overweight and obesity among 35- to 60-year-old female residents in Beijing. Methods A stratified cluster sampling method was used to analyze the epidemiological characteristics of obesity in 3263 women aged 35-60 in urban and rural areas of Beijing. Survey includes questionnaires and physical examination. The questionnaire mainly includes the basic information and life style of the respondents. The basic information includes age, academic level, occupation, lifestyle including physical activity, smoking, drinking and sleeping status. The physical examination is height, weight, waist circumference (WC) And hip circumference (HC). Multiple linear regression analysis of female overweight and obesity related factors. Results The overweight rate and obesity rate of 35- 60-year-old female residents in Beijing were 38.4% and 24.3% respectively. Different BMI levels were significantly different among the age groups (P = 0.0002), and obesity rates were highest (77.2%) in the 50-60 age group. The ratio of abdominal obesity (WHp> 0.8 and WC> 80 cm) increased with the increase of BMI (P <0.05), and the highest obesity rate of BMI≥28.0 was 95.7%. There was a significant difference in low, middle and high physical activity and metabolic equivalent (P = 0.02). Regression analysis showed that waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) was a risk factor for overweight. High physical activity was the protective factor for female residents’ obesity. However, high school and secondary education and waist-hip ratio were risk factors for obesity. Conclusion The female over 35 and 60 years old in Beijing are overweight and obese, and their intervention should be strengthened according to the risk factors.
1977年Stemple 首先提出良性缓慢阵发房性心动过速(Benign Slow paroxysmal atrial tachy-cardia 简称良性房速)。本文报道267例(包括79例正常人)286次24小时动态心电图中出
非阵发性房性心动过速(简称NPAT)是一种频率略高于窦性,低于阵发性房性心动过速的异位心律,其P 波有别于窦性P 波,P-R>0.12秒,临床较少见,持续出现的更为罕见。现将我们观察
摘要 以东源金线莲和福建金线莲品种‘红霞’为材料,研究了白光(w)、红光(R)、蓝光(B),以及组合光R882、R783、R585、R387、R288共8种光质的LED对金线莲组培增殖与生根的影响,并比较了株高、鲜重、干重、叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量等生长指标。结果表明:组合光R882和红光(R)显著提高了东源金线莲增殖系数,而所有LED处理对福建金线莲‘红霞’的增殖系数差异不显著。白光、红光、组合光