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一晚饭后,波涛起伏的群山浮着嫩红的夕阳。王贵坐在房檐下,眼睛茫然地望着渐渐暗下去的余晖,黄昏一步步走来。远处传来了二胡声,这是住在村尾的刘文在拉二胡。已经十多年了,刘文傍晚只要有空闲,他都要拉上一段曲子。琴声徐缓,悠悠飘浮在昏黄的日光里。现在,王贵没有心思去细听那琴声。王贵父亲早死,上完初中后,母亲再也无力供他上学了。他很想读书,可家里实在没法,他也只好背着小木箱回来了。那些课本他一本也舍不得丢,他把它们整整齐齐地收放在从学校背回的小木箱里,无聊时打开木箱拿出一本来看。 After a supper, the rolling hills floated a red sunset. Wang Gui sitting under the eaves, eyes blankly looking at the darkness gradually dim, walked by step by step. Echo came from afar, which is living in the end of the village Liu Wen in the pull erhu. It has been ten years, Liu Wen as long as there is free time, he must pull on a piece of music. Slow sound piano, long floating in the dim sunlight. Now, Wang Gui no thought to listen to the piano. Wang Gui father died early, finished junior high school, his mother was no longer powerless for him to go to school. He wanted to study hard, but at home there was no way. He had to come back in a small wooden box. He was reluctant to drop those textbooks, and he neatly put them in the small wooden backs that were taken from the school. When they were bored, they opened the wooden box and took a look.
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本学期我被调到高二年级任教语文,主要教学任务是中国古代诗歌鉴赏。前几节课我讲了屈原的《湘夫人》,作品艰涩难懂,我怕学生不能理解诗 This semester I was transferred t
2007年8月21日,浙江省食品药品监督管理局原局长郑尚金因利用职务之便非法收受他人10万元及价值58万元的奥迪轿车一辆,被广东省深圳市盐田区人民法院一审以受賄罪判处有期徒刑4年,并处没收扣押在案的奥迪轿车一辆,上缴国库。宣判后,郑尚金当庭没有提出上诉。  郑在案发后积极配合调查,认罪态度较好,被轻判4年并不意外。  最让人意外的是,曾任金华市委书记的郑尚金曾是浙江省有名的“清官”,还是浙江省纪委
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