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2月5日上午,全省档案工作会议在哈尔滨召开,会议传达贯彻了全国档案局长馆长会议精神,总结了2014年全省档案工作,部署了2015年全省档案工作任务。省委副秘书长康慨出席会议并讲话。省档案局局长齐秀娟作工作报告,省档案局副局长王健俐主持会议,副局长梁尔东出席会议。康慨副秘书长在讲话中对全省档案工作予以充分肯定。他指出,过去的一年,在省委、省政府以及各级党委、政府的正确领导和国家档案局的具体指导下,全省档案系统紧紧围绕全省中心工作,立足本职、服务大局,振奋精神、开拓进取,服务能力有提高、基础建设有 On the morning of February 5, the province’s file work conference was held in Harbin. The meeting conveyed and implemented the spirit of the director of the National Archives Bureau, summarized the file work of the province in 2014, and deployed the task of archives work in 2015 in the province. Deputy Secretary-General Kang generous attendance and speech. Qi Xiujuan, director of the Provincial Archives, made a working report. Wang Jianli, deputy director of the Provincial Archives Bureau, presided over the meeting and Liang Dong, deputy director attended the meeting. In his speech, Deputy Secretary-General Kang Chi fully affirmed the archives work in the province. He pointed out: In the past year, with the correct guidance of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, the party committees and governments at all levels and the specific guidance of the State Archives Bureau, the file system of the province closely centers around the work of the province’s central government, bases itself on serving the overall interests and serving the overall situation, Inspire, forge ahead, improve service capabilities, infrastructure
易错现象1.分析不出文章的论点。2.不善于运用论点来关照分析过程。 Error-prone phenomenon 1. Can’t analyze the argument of the article. 2. Not good at using argu
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