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钢桩式码头以其独特的优越性,在我国得到越来越广泛的应用。但是随之而来的则是其潮差段的防腐维护问题。这个问题现在已受到国内研究单位和专家们的关注。众所周知,水下钢结构物潮差段的腐蚀是十分严重的,即使在技术发达的国家,也从未停止过对其防护对策的研究。以往国外普遍采用各种包复法,如蒙乃尔合金包复法、硫化橡胶包复等,但由于其施工工艺性差,费用高,防腐效果不够理想等原因,近十几年来已逐步以水下涂料维护法取而代之,并取得了十分明显的效果。显然,水下涂料法是建立在水下涂料的防腐性能的可靠性和在水下施工工艺上的可行性的基础上的。 Steel piles with its unique advantages, in our country has been more widely used. However, the ensuing antisepsis maintenance of the tide section. This issue has now attracted the attention of domestic research institutes and experts. It is well-known that the erosion of underwater sections of tidal structures is very serious, and the study on its countermeasures has never ceased even in technologically advanced countries. In the past, foreign countries generally adopted all kinds of cladding methods, such as Monel alloy cladding method and vulcanized rubber cladding method. However, due to poor construction technology, high cost and unsatisfactory anticorrosive effect, over the past decade, Instead, the maintenance law has achieved very clear results. Obviously, the underwater coating method is based on the reliability of the anti-corrosion properties of underwater coatings and on the feasibility of the underwater construction process.
目的 观察盐酸氨溴索联合抗生素治疗慢性支气管炎的临床效果.方法 选取2015年6月-2019年6月百色市妇幼保健院收治的慢性支气管炎患者150例,采用随机数字表法分为观察组和对照