台空军现役主力空空导弹大多为从美国进口或研仿。虽然部分导弹具有发射后不管和多目标攻击能力,但仍存在明显问题。如“响尾蛇”空空导弹命中率较低,攻击死角大,且不具备全天候作战能力,而“麻雀”作战反应时间长,对付小型低空目标能力不足。AIM—120C型“阿姆拉姆”先进中距空空导弹 2000年9月28日,美国不顾中国政府强烈反对,宣布将向台湾出售AIM—120C型“阿姆拉姆”先进中距空空导弹。美方是在同年4月间的对台军售会议时同意出售这种先进导弹的。此笔军售
Most of the active combat air-to-air missiles used by the Taiwan Air Force are imported from the United States or imitation. Although some missiles have the capability of launching multi-targets regardless of attack, there are still obvious problems. Such as “rattlesnake” air-to-air missile hit rate is low, attack dead angle, and do not have the ability to combat all-weather, and “sparrow” combat response time is long, lack of ability to deal with small low-altitude targets. AIM-120C “AMRAM” Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile On September 28, 2000, the United States announced that it would sell AIM-120C “AMRAM” advanced medium-range air-to-air missiles to Taiwan in disregard of the strong opposition from the Chinese government. The United States agreed to sell this advanced missile during the arms sales conference to Taiwan in April of the same year. This sale of arms